What does Emixtu mean?

What does Emixtu mean?

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I mix or mingle (by pouring out).

Q. What does Idi mean?

IDI means “I Doubt It”. The abbreviation IDI is typically used as a response to a statement or a question about something that is untrue or is unlikely to happen.

Q. What is Idgi?

IDGI is an abbreviation for “I don’t get it.” It’s used to express that you genuinely can’t understand a joke or idea.

Q. What does IMO mean in a text?

in my opinion

Q. Why do people say IMO?

The abbreviation “IMO” is an internet slang acronym that commonly stands for “in my opinion.” IMO can also be used at the end of a statement or sentence to emphasize the fact that what’s just been said is merely one individual opinion.

Q. Is IMHO rude?

There is no global answer; whether “IMHO” is sincere, rude, actually humble, or something else depends entirely on context. In your example an opinion was solicited, so I would take the response at face value. Other times it can be used in a more-forceful way, as in: Person A: This new feature sounds interesting.

Q. What does IMS mean in texting?

IMS is a hybrid of an acronym and abbreviation that stands for “I am sorry.” It is a way of apologizing when online or in a text message. IMS is typically used when you regret doing something that hurt another person in some way.

Q. What does IMU mean?

IMU means “I Miss You”.

Q. What does Icymi mean in texting?

Case You Missed It

Q. What does IMK mean in texting?

IMK means “In My Knowledge”. The abbreviation IMK is used with the meaning “In My Knowledge” when the sender wishes to indicate that they are not completely sure of the statement that they are making, but believe it be true. IMK is another way of saying AFAIK (As Far As I Know) or AFAIAA (As Far As I Am Aware).

Q. Is imao a bad word?

IMAO stands for “in my arrogant opinion,” and, well, being arrogant means you have an exaggerated sense of self-importance and tend to make excessive or unjustified claims. There is also the inflated IMMAO (“in my most arrogant opinion”), if you so choose.

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