What does butterfly do with the flower?

What does butterfly do with the flower?

HomeArticles, FAQWhat does butterfly do with the flower?

while flowers as reproductive organs in plants are helped because these beautiful insects help spread pollen. When the butterflies land on the flowers, their feet will touch the pistil and stamens on the flowers. causing pollen to stick to the pistil and the process of pollination in the flower.

Q. What are the main parts of a flowering plant?

Most flowers have four main parts: petals, stamen (anther and filament), pistil (stigma, style and ovary), and sepals. After flowers are pollinated and fertilized, they produce seeds in the ovary of the flower.

Q. What would happen if a butterfly sips nectar from a flower?

The flower could wilt. …

Q. How do butterfly sips nectar?

Butterflies eat by extending the proboscis deep into a flower to sip nectar. Butterflies also use the proboscis to drink water and juice from rotting fruits. The butterfly reaches all the way to the bottom of the trumpet-shaped flower to find the nectar at the very bottom.

Q. Which is not a female part of a flower?

The “male” or pollen-bearing part is called the stamen, and is composed of the filament and the anther. The “female” or seed-bearing part is called the pistil, and is composed of the ovary, the stigma, and the style. A flower may have exclusively male parts, exclusively female parts, or commonly, both.

Q. What is female part of flower?


Q. Which part of the flower turns into a fruit?


Q. What is another name for flowers?


  • blossom.
  • blossoming.
  • bud.
  • efflorescence.
  • floret.
  • flourishing.
  • flower.
  • floweret.

Q. What flower is the opposite of a rose?

Roses typically refer to shrubs of the genus Rosa, with red, pink, white or yellow flowers. There are no categorical antonyms for this word. However, a famous song once sang, “Every rose has its thorn.” Hence, we could consider thorns as the proverbial antonym for roses.

Q. What word rhymes with Bloom?

What rhymes with bloom?

  • 1 syllable. Doom. Room. Boom. Whom. Tomb. Zoom. Womb. Broom. Gloom. Vroom.
  • 2 syllables. Bathroom. Bedroom. Assume. Consume. Volume. Classroom. Perfume. Resume. Vacuum. Fortune.
  • 3 syllables. Elbowroom. Livingroom. Afternoon. Honeymoon. Opportune. Saskatoon. Tablespoon. Autoimmune. Continuin’

Q. What word rhymes with warm?

Words That Rhyme With “Warm” :

  • 1 syllable: corm, dorm, form, forme, norm, storm, swarm.
  • 2 syllables: aswarm, conform, deform, enorm, inform, lukewarm, perform, preform, reform, transform.
  • 3 syllables: disinform, misinform, preinform. About | Privacy | Words | Feedback. © 2021 RhymeDesk.com.

Q. What word rhymes with roses?

WordRhyme ratingCategories
dozes100Verb, Noun
incloses100Verb, Noun

Q. What rhymes with life and wife?

WordRhyme ratingMeter

Q. What is a fancy word for death?

What is another word for death?


Q. What word has no rhyming word?

There are many words that have no rhyme in the English language. “Orange” is only the most famous. Other words that have no rhyme include: silver, purple, month, ninth, pint, wolf, opus, dangerous, marathon and discombobulate.

Q. Are there any words that rhyme with purple?

Purple rhymes with hirple, meaning “to limp” or “walk awkwardly,” and curple, an old Scots word for a leather strap that goes beneath the tail of a horse to secure its saddle (it also more broadly means “buttocks”).

Q. Which word has most rhymes?

WordRhyme ratingMeter

Q. What did Eminem rhyme with orange?

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the only word that perfectly rhymes with “orange” is “sporange”. But over the course of his career, Eminem has proved that you don’t need to say “sporange” if you want to rhyme with “orange”: “I put my or-ange four-inch door hinge in stor-age and…

Q. Does Eminem use a rhyming dictionary?

He writes his rhymes on paper a he can go back and edit them, jamming even more rhymes, usually multisyllabic/internal rhymes at that, into them than if he just wrote something down off the top of his head and called it good. On that note, he’s a perfectionist too.

Q. Does porridge rhyme with orange?

No, because the “n” in “orange” is pronounced and there isn’t an “n” in “porridge.” This is as close as you’re going to get to a rhyme with “orange,” though. No porridge does not rhyme with orange. Orange rhymes with sporange (a technical word for sac where spores are made) and Blorenge ( a mountain in Wales).

Q. What word rhymes with orange?


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What does butterfly do with the flower?.
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