What does a negative sign in the value of magnification indicates?

What does a negative sign in the value of magnification indicates?

HomeArticles, FAQWhat does a negative sign in the value of magnification indicates?

A negative magnification indicates that the image is inverted. If the object is placed closer to a converging lens than the focal length, the rays on the far side of the lens diverge. By extrapolating these lines back (the pink lines) the position of virtual image can be found.

Q. What is the maximum age for height growth?

Although most adults won’t grow taller after age 18 to 20, there are exceptions to this rule. First, the closure of the growth plates may be delayed in some individuals (36, 37). If the growth plates remain open past age 18 to 20, which is uncommon, height could continue to increase. Second, some suffer from gigantism.

Q. Why is height of object taken as positive?

The height of the object is taken to be positive in a mirror. This is because of the cartesian coordinates. The object is placed in negative axes of the mirror while the image will be formed at the positive axes. The object is placed parallel to y axis, that why the height of the object is taken to be positive.

Q. In which mirror magnification is negative?

Magnification is negative in a concave mirror. The magnification of a concave mirror is given by the ratio of the height of the image to the height of the object. Hence, if the image is inverted and real the magnification will be negative. Was this answer helpful?

Q. What does a negative sign in the value of magnification indicates Class 10?

the negative sign in the value of magnification indicates the type of mirror, that the mirror being used is convex, and if it is positive then the mirror being used is concave mirror.

Q. What is the sign in the value of magnification of the real image?

Answer : we know, If the height of the object is positive and the height of image is negative the magnification will be negative. So, negative sign in value of magnification indicates that image is real and inverted because a real image has always negative height i.e. real image is formed below principal axis.

Q. What is the significance of sign of magnification?

The positive sign of magnification tells that the image formed is erect when the object is erect and is inverted when the object is inverted.

Q. What is the significance of magnification Class 10?

Magnification is the idea of the relative size of an image with respect to an image. b. The mirror which can give an erect and enlarged image of an object is a concave mirror. Concave mirror forms a virtual image, which means the image is formed by the apparent intersection of rays of light after reflection.

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What does a negative sign in the value of magnification indicates?.
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