What does a country’s production possibilities curves depend on?

What does a country’s production possibilities curves depend on?

HomeArticles, FAQWhat does a country’s production possibilities curves depend on?

What does a country’s production possibilities curve depend on? It depends on available resources and technology. The maximum amount of the combination of goods that a country can produce given its available resources and technology. It represents the different choices or trade-offs that society faces.

Q. What would cause the production possibilities frontier to be bowed outward?

The bowed-out shape of the production possibilities curve results from allocating resources based on comparative advantage. Such an allocation implies that the law of increasing opportunity cost will hold.

Q. What shifts production possibilities curve?

Shifts in the production possibilities curve are caused by things that change the output of an economy, including advances in technology, changes in resources, more education or training (that’s what we call human capital) and changes in the labor force.

Q. What happens when a country’s resources are underutilized quizlet?

What happens when a country’s resources are underutilized? When a country’s resources are underutilized, the GDP goes down and the economy is inefficiently using their resources. We see underutilization when a point is to the left of the production possibility frontier. Explain scarcity.

Q. How does a country’s production possibilities depend on its available resources and technology?

Production possibilities curves show efficiency by having inefficiency below the curve. Efficiency is the curve. Explain why a country’s production possibilities depend on its resources and technology. Resources and technology affect a country’s productivity at any given time because technology affects efficiency.

Q. How do production possibilities curves show alternative uses of resources?

This curve helps a nation’s economists determine the alternative ways of using that nation’s resources. Economists often use graphs to analyze the choices and trade-offs that people make. A production possibilities curve is a graph that shows alternative ways to use an economy’s productive resources.

Q. What are four techniques that producers use when natural resources are limited?

what four techniques do producers usually use to deal with limited capital goods? when faced with limited capital goods, producers often maintain their present capital goods, change inventory procedures, find alternative capital goods, and/or modify current technology.

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What does a country’s production possibilities curves depend on?.
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