What do the T and C represent in the DNA sequence?

What do the T and C represent in the DNA sequence?

HomeArticles, FAQWhat do the T and C represent in the DNA sequence?

The instructions in a gene that tell the cell how to make a specific protein. A, C, G, and T are the “letters” of the DNA code; they stand for the chemicals adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G), and thymine (T), respectively, that make up the nucleotide bases of DNA.

Q. What do the letters A G C and T represent in nucleotides?

ACGT is an acronym for the four types of bases found in a DNA molecule: adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G), and thymine (T).

Q. What is the sequence of nucleotides present on the strand of the DNA?

A gene is a sequence of nucleotides along a DNA strand – with ‘start’ and ‘stop’ codons and other regulatory elements – that specifies a sequence of amino acids that are linked together to form a protein.

Q. What is C2 endo conformation?

C2′-endo is an S-type conformation (S for south) C3′-endo is an N-type conformation (N for north) 4. Nucleic acid sugar puckering History: Over 60 years ago, analysis of the diffraction pattern of DNA was consistent with a double helix conformation.

Q. What are the four bases in RNA?

RNA consists of four nitrogenous bases: adenine, cytosine, uracil, and guanine.

Q. How Can genetic information be stored in a sequence of nitrogenous bases in DNA?

Genetic information is stored in the sequence of bases along a nucleic acid chain. The bases have an additional special property: they form specific pairs with one another that are stabilized by hydrogen bonds. The base pairing results in the formation of a double helix, a helical structure consisting of two strands.

Q. What do you call the contrasting forms of genes?

Genes come in different varieties, called alleles.

Q. What types of genetic information must be copied for the next generation of cells?

Genes carry biological information that must be copied accurately for transmission to the next generation each time a cell divides to form two daughter cells. DNA encodes information through the order, or sequence, of the nucleotides along each strand.

Q. Are like blueprints that tell your body everything from your hair color to your inherited diseases?

Genes are like blueprints that tell your body everything from your hair color to your inherited diseases.

Q. What enzyme is used to copy a piece of DNA?

In modern molecular biology labs, purified DNA polymerase is used routinely – to copy DNA by PCR (the polymerase chain reaction), for various recombinant DNA techniques, and to run sequencing reactions.

Q. What information is coded into DNA?

Genetic code, the sequence of nucleotides in deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA) that determines the amino acid sequence of proteins. Though the linear sequence of nucleotides in DNA contains the information for protein sequences, proteins are not made directly from DNA.

Q. What traits are encoded in your DNA?

DNA carries all of the information for your physical characteristics, which are essentially determined by proteins. So, DNA contains the instructions for making a protein. In DNA, each protein is encoded by a gene (a specific sequence of DNA nucleotides that specify how a single protein is to be made).

Q. What does T pair with in DNA?

A with T: the purine adenine (A) always pairs with the pyrimidine thymine (T) C with G: the pyrimidine cytosine (C) always pairs with the purine guanine (G)

Q. What is multiple translation?

Multiple translations in a translation memory. When creating a new translation memory, you can specify whether to allow only one or to allow multiple translations for identical segments. You can make your choice in the New translation memory dialog.

Q. What are different types of translation and their roles?

The 12 Main Types of Translation

  • Literary Translation.
  • Software Localization.
  • Commercial Translation.
  • Legal Translation.
  • Technical Translation.
  • Judicial Translation.
  • Administrative Translation.
  • Medical Translations.

Q. When can we give the word translation?

Literal translation, direct translation or word-for-word translation, is a translation of a text done by translating each word separately, without looking at how the words are used together in a phrase or sentence.

Q. What are the problems of literary translation?

1. Difficulties of literary translation

  • (1) Translating without changing the original tones of the author.
  • (2) Culturally-specific expression.
  • (3) Play-on-words and tongue twisters.
  • (4) Dialects and Slang.
  • (1) Read the original book.
  • (2) Translate and self-review the translation.
  • (3) Edit the translated version.
  • (4) Proofread.

Q. How can translation problems be overcome?

The only way of overcoming language structure challenges is by having a genuine grasp of the grammatical differences of both languages. With such knowledge, you can alter and rearrange words and phrases to capture the intended meaning in the target language.

Q. Should a translator leave out anything from the original text?

When writing for translation you need to make sure you say what you mean unambiguously, without leaving anything left unsaid or merely implied. Don’t waste your time trying to come up with clever ways to say things that will, most probably, be untranslatable.

Q. What are the important points to keep in mind while translating some text?

10 tips to remember when writing for translation:

  • Keep sentences brief.
  • Use Standard English word order whenever possible.
  • Avoid long noun strings.
  • Use just one term to identify a single concept.
  • Avoid humor.
  • Be clear with international dates.
  • Use relative pronouns like “that” and “which.”

Q. Why written translation is important?

Translation is necessary for the spread of information, knowledge, and ideas. It is absolutely necessary for effective and empathetic communication between different cultures. Translation is also the only medium through which people come to know different works that expand their knowledge.

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