What dilemma does King Minos face at the beginning of the story?

What dilemma does King Minos face at the beginning of the story?

HomeArticles, FAQWhat dilemma does King Minos face at the beginning of the story?

What is the major conflict between King Minos and Athens? King Minos threatens to go to war with Athens if Athens won’t send him human sacrifices.

Q. Which line from the summary best justifies the conclusion?

Answer Expert Verified The line “To help save the day, Harry must get past a scary three-headed guard dog” from the summary best justifies the conclusion that Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone was influenced by Ancient Greek mythological literature.

Q. How does the actions of Ariadne help further the plot?

How doe the actions of Ariadne help further the plot? Without the string from Ariadne, it would have been very hard for Theseus to escape the maze. Ariadne is the sole reason that Theseus was successful in escaping the maze. Ariadne served as the main protagonist in the myth.

Q. How do the gods punish Theseus?

Outraged, Theseus called upon Poseidon to punish Hippolytos, and the god of the sea responded by sending a bull from the depths of the ocean. This creature so frightened the horses of Hippolytos’ chariot that they tipped the youth into the sea where he drowned.

Q. What is a theme of Theseus and the Minotaur group of answer choices?

The theme of Theseus and the Minotaur is don’t let happiness and celebration make you forget about thoughtfulness and good judgement.

Q. What do minotaurs symbolize?

And so, deep in the labyrinth, the Minotaur protects the secrets of calculating longitude. The practice of symbolizing knowledge to protect it and insure its survival through generations is evident in the zodiac stories — the oldest stories in the world.

Q. Who killed Theseus?


Q. Who married Ariadne?


Q. How did Ariadne die?

Her wedding diadem was set in the heavens as the constellation Corona Borealis. Ariadne was faithful to Dionysus. Perseus killed her at Argos by turning her to stone with the head of Medusa during Perseus’ war with Dionysus.

Q. Who is Princess Ariadne?

Ariadne, in Greek mythology, daughter of Pasiphae and the Cretan king Minos. She fell in love with the Athenian hero Theseus and, with a thread or glittering jewels, helped him escape the Labyrinth after he slew the Minotaur, a beast half bull and half man that Minos kept in the Labyrinth.

Q. Does Ariadne die in Atlantis?

However, even after working together and requiring Jason’s trust as they did so, Medea fatally stabs Ariadne and betrays the heroes in the end, using the situation to her own purposes. Jason, Pythagoras and Hercules travel to the temple of Hecate to retrieve Medea’s blood to break the curse placed on Ariadne.

Q. Who is Jason really in Atlantis?

Jack Donnelly

Q. Who is Medea in Atlantis?

Medea is Pasiphae’s niece, a Princess of Colchis who has inherited the gift of magic. In a world ruled by politics and power plays, she is a lost soul, seeking a connection. As her aunt’s protégé, Medea’s magical gifts are encouraged and her battle skills hardened – but she needs more.

Q. How does Atlantis end?

So here we are: after two series of adventures that veered from the ridiculous to the downright dreadful, Atlantis ends with a feature length finale as Jason (Jack Donnelly) and his friends set out to liberate the ancient city from the evil Pasiphae.

Q. Does the Oracle die in Atlantis?

The Oracle is a seer whom the Atlanteans seek knowledge from in the Temple of Poseidon. She has an ally in a high priest of the temple, Melas….

The Oracle

Q. Where is the lost city of Atlantis?

Plato’s Atlantis Plato (through the character Critias in his dialogues) describes Atlantis as an island larger than Libya and Asia Minor put together, located in the Atlantic just beyond the Pillars of Hercules—generally assumed to mean the Strait of Gibraltar.

Q. Who is Jason’s dad in Atlantis?


Q. Is Jason a demigod?

Despite being called a human hero by Hera, Jason was actually a legacy of Hermes through his grandfather Autolycus. Interestingly, Chiron claims Jason was actually a demigod in Camp Half-Blood Confidential, despite not having a godly parent.

Q. Why was Stargate Cancelled?

According to Wright, the three parties mutually decided to end Atlantis and make movies, and then launch Stargate Universe. The short of it is that Stargate Atlantis was not cancelled due to low ratings — though as Wright recently hinted, significantly higher ratings would certainly have changed the discussion.

Q. Does Medusa die in Atlantis?

In Greek mythology, Medusa is eventually killed by Perseus.

Q. Who was obsessed with Medusa?

Roman Obsession With Medusa (or Gorgons In General)

Q. Who is immune to Medusa?

Sheikh Sulieman

Q. What is Medusa the god of?

Medusa represents philosophy, beauty and art. The Medusa head is part of fashion designer Gianni Versace’s symbol. Perseus the hero slayed Medusa, the only mortal of the Gorgon sisters, by viewing her in the reflection of the mirrored shield of Athena. Perseus then beheaded her.

Q. Who did Medusa kill?


Q. What effect does the author create with the sequence of events in this passage cruel tribute?

What effect does the author create with the sequence of events in this passage? The author builds events slowly to create tension.

Q. What can writers use to build suspense?

Four factors are necessary for suspense—reader empathy, reader concern, impending danger and escalating tension. We create reader empathy by giving the character a desire, wound or internal struggle that readers can identify with. The more they empathize, the closer their connection with the story will be.

Q. What are the 6 elements of suspense?

Terms in this set (12)

  • Timing. the threat to your character(s) should be immediate and ever present,
  • Intriguing Question. Character/reader has a mystery to solve—
  • Fears. these are the grave concerns of the main character themself.
  • Foreshadowing & Clues.
  • False Sense of Security.
  • Setting.
  • Villain and Victim.
  • Syntax & Pacing.
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What dilemma does King Minos face at the beginning of the story?.
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