What did the beautiful lady give the knight at arms to eat?

What did the beautiful lady give the knight at arms to eat?

HomeArticles, FAQWhat did the beautiful lady give the knight at arms to eat?

Ans. The knight says that the fairy lady found him tasty roots, honey, and manna to eat (“of relish sweet”). “Manna” is the food that the Jewish scriptures say that the Israelites ate when they were wandering around the desert after Moses freed them from slavery in Egypt.

Q. Why is the knight alone and pale?

A) The people are earlier victims of the and lady and demonstrate his condition as a new victim. Why is the knight “alone and pale”? B) He is dead.

Q. How is the Knight presented in La Belle Dame Sans Merci?

In the poem, a knight tells the story of how he becomes obsessed with, and then gets abandoned by, a spirit known as La Belle Dame sans Merci, or “The Beautiful Lady Without Mercy.” Though seemingly aware she’s an illusion, the knight lingers in his memory of the Lady, and it’s implied he will do so until he dies.

Q. Why is the knight palely loitering in La Belle Dame Sans Merci?

He is “alone and palely loitering” and this describes his state since the mysterious young woman disappeared from his life. This information in the opening lines is presented as a question that the reader/witness asks the knight, and his response forms the rest of the poem, where he describes the woman he met.

Q. Why is the Knight asked O what can ail thee?

Why is the knight asked “O, what can ail thee” in “La Belle Dame sans Merci”? This is a rather old-fashioned way of asking someone what’s wrong with them. That such a question is being asked of the knight indicates clearly that he’s visibly upset as he stands there all alone…

Q. How the Knight fell in love with the beautiful lady?

Being deeply in love with the lady, the Knight followed her to her elfin grot where she cried her heart out and the Knight comforted her by imprinting kisses on her eyes. The lady made a sweet moan and began singing a fairy’s song thereby making the Knight to fall asleep.

Q. What does the Knight gift the beautiful lady?

As if to complement the three gifts (garland, bracelets, ‘zone’ or girdle) the knight gave her, the belle dame sans merci gives the knight three sweet gifts: sweet relish, wild honey, and manna-dew (implying something almost divine: ‘manna’ was the foodstuff that fell from heaven in the Old Testament).

Q. Where does the Knight meet a beautiful lady in La Belle Dame Sans Merci?

I met a lady in the meads, Full beautiful, a fairy’s child; Her hair was long, her foot was light, And her eyes were wild.

Q. Who did the Knight see in his dream?

At the very beginning of the poem the speaker asks the knight what ails him. In other words, he wants to know what the matter is. In his dream, the knight sees “pale [dead] warriors” who tell him that the belle dame, or beautiful woman, has him in her “thrall.” In other words, he is in her power.

Q. What does a black knight symbolize?

The black knight is a literary stock character who masks their identity and that of their liege by not displaying heraldry. Black knights are usually portrayed as villainous figures who use this anonymity for misdeeds. The character is sometimes associated with death or darkness.

Q. What are the signs that shows us that the knight is suffering?

There are many signs provided by the poet that show us that the knight was suffering. We find him loitering about on the shore of the lake. He was all alone there. He looked very much tired and worn out.

Q. Where does the Knight find himself when he awakes?

When he awakes, the knight finds himself on the cold hillside, feeling the deathlike cold of his dream and looking like the sad figure the speaker first encountered.

Q. What evidence do you get from the poem to prove that it was winter when the Knight met the lady?

The knight says that he met a beautiful fairy lady in the fields. He started hanging out with her, making flower garlands for her, letting her ride on his horse, and generally flirting like knights do. Finally, she invited him back to her fairy cave. Sweet, thought the knight.

Q. What did the Knight make for the lady?

As the other excellent answer to this question suggests, the knight agrees to grant the old woman the first thing she desires if she gives him the answer to the riddle regarding what women want. Again, what the old woman desires is the knight’s promise to marry her.

Q. What do knights decide?

The knight decides to turn the decision-making over to his wife, who rewards him for yielding sovereignty by becoming young, beautiful, and faithful.

Q. What question does the queen ask the knight?

However, the King agrees to hand him over to the Queen. The Queen tells the Knight that he must come up with the answer to this question: What do women most desire? If he can come up with the correct answer, the Queen will spare his life.

Q. Why do you think the queen spared the knight’s head?

The queen handled the knights punishment by not taking his head and giving him a chance to save his life. In order to stay alive the queen ordered the knight to find the answer to ” What is it that women desire the most ? “.

Q. What was the correct answer to the Queen’s question?

When the two appear at court, the young knight provides the answer to the riddle: Women want power over their husbands. The queen acknowledges that this is the correct answer. Staying true to his promise, the young knight does what is next asked of him by the old woman: he marries her.

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