What did Rebecca Nurse do for a living?

What did Rebecca Nurse do for a living?

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Rebecca Nurse

Q. What is the main cause of conflict between nurse and Putnam?

The biggest reason why Goody Putnam hated Goody Nurse was because of something she said about Ruth and Betty. Goody Putnam asked Rebecca to go to Ruth and try to wake her up. Rebecca tells her that her experience of being mother to 11 and grandmother to 26 tells her that the girls are just playing a silly game.

Q. Why is there dislike between the nurses and putnams?

Answer: The Putnams resent that the Nurses interfered with Thomas Putnam’s candidate for minister of Salem. Others may resent Francis’s rise from land-renter to land-owner and Rebecca’s being too saintly for her own good, as when she absents herself from Hale’s witchcraft investigation in Act 1.

Q. Why is Mrs Putnam envious of Rebecca Nurse?

Putnam’s jealousy of Rebecca Nurse stems from the fact that Mrs. Putnam has had many children die in childbirth, while Rebecca Nurse has had no problem bearing children. Ultimately, this leads to the accusation of Rebecca Nurse for witchcraft, for which she is sentenced and hanged.

Q. Who was jealous of Rebecca Nurse?

Goody Putnam

Rebecca Towne Nurse (or Nourse)
Known forConvicted of witchcraft during the Salem Witch Trials
Spouse(s)Francis Nurse (or Nourse)

Q. How does Mrs Putnam feel about Rebecca?

How does Mrs. Putnam feel about Rebecca? She feels that Rebecca is responsible for the deaths of her babies and that the deaths occurred by supernatural means. Proctor is not a fan of Parris’s preaching.

Q. What did Rebecca do to Betty?

What did Rebecca do to Betty? She tried to wake her up and calm her down. She succeeded.

Q. When his daughter goes into an apparent trance Parris refuses to leap to the conclusion that witchcraft is to blame because?

At the beginning of Act I, Parris is angry with Abigail because… her dismissal from the Proctor’s household embarrasses him. When his daughter goes into an apparent trance, Parris refuses to leap to the conclusion that witchcraft is to blame because… he fears his congregation with think him corrupt.

Q. What does Mary mean when she says I saved her life today?

What does Mary Warren mean when she says,”I saved her life today!” ? Abigail has accused Elizabeth of witchcraft, but Mary claims that she has never seen any indication of it. That Abigail wants her dead so she can have John.

Q. Why do Elizabeth and John struggle in answering Hale’s question about their belief in witches?

Why do Elizabeth and John struggle in answering Hale’s question about their belief in witches? John thinks witches are mentioned in the Bible. Elizabeth can’t accept witches. She was accused of being one.

Q. What does the promise that a stallion gives a mare I gave that girl mean?

What he means is that there had been no promise, his affair with Abigail was born out of lust and nothing else. He uses the animal imagery to indicate the senselessness of Elizabeth’s accusation.

Q. Who said the promise that a stallion gives a mare?


Q. Who said and thinks to kill me then to take my place?


Q. Who said life woman life is God’s most precious gift?

Arthur Miller

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What did Rebecca Nurse do for a living?.
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