What describes harmony in Renaissance?

What describes harmony in Renaissance?

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In Renaissance music, harmony is often created through the superimposition of several melodies. This way of using multiple voices is called polyphony. The scales used to create these melodies are known as modes, slightly different from the major and minor tonality that became established later.

Q. What is typical of the Renaissance motet?

Instead, the Renaissance motet is a polyphonic musical setting, sometimes in imitative counterpoint, for chorus, of a Latin text, usually sacred, not specifically connected to the liturgy of a given day, and therefore suitable for use in any service. The texts of antiphons were frequently used as motet texts.

Q. What does not describe a humanist outlook?

Which does not describe a humanist outlook? unquestioning faith.

Q. Which element of music does Josquin most exploit in Ave Maria?

In his motet “Ave Maria,” Josquin combines a method of polyphony where melody lines imitate each other in a staggered formation, with homorhythms, where the melody lines line move together in the same rhythm, creating a rich harmony.

Q. What is a Cantus Firmus group of answer choices?

What is a cantus firmus? preexisting melody. Which describes harmony in Renaissance music? All possible answers.

Q. In which language is Josquin’s motet?

Ave Maria Virgo serena

“Ave Maria … virgo serena”
Publishedca. 1475

Q. Which secular medieval musicians entertained audiences at the higher social levels?

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The beginning of the Middle Ages was marked by the _____.fall of the Roman Empire
Which secular medieval musicians entertained audiences at the higher social levels?troubadours
What was the period that immediately preceded the Ars nova called?Ars antiqua

Q. Which instrument derives its name from the Italian word meaning loud soft?

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A pizzicato effect is created on a string instrument whenthe strings are plucked
Which instrument derives its name from the Italian word meaning “loud-soft”?piano
Which is an example of pitched percussion?xylophone
Which keyboard instrument produces sound with quills that pluck metal strings?harpsichord

Q. What did composers of organum based their pieces on?

Therefore composers of organum based their pieces on preexisting Gregorian chants. While the lower voice sang the fixed melody in extremely long notes, the upper voice or voices sang a freely composed part that moved rapidly above it.

Q. What were the four topics considered essential to education during medieval times quizlet?

Terms in this set (10) Music, mathematics, geometry, and astronomy were the four topics considered essential to medieval _____. Musical ideas from Middle Eastern cultures were not a part of medieval cultural exchange.

Q. What were the four topics considered essential to education during medieval times?

In liberal arts education, the quadrivium (plural: quadrivia) consists of the four subjects or arts (arithmetic, geometry, music, and astronomy) taught after the trivium. The word is Latin, meaning ‘four ways’, and its use for the four subjects has been attributed to Boethius or Cassiodorus in the 6th century.

Q. Which term describes the texture of two or more melodies performed at the same time?

Which term describes the texture of two or more melodies performed at the same time? highly melismatic.

Q. What were the poet-musicians that lived on a higher?

Troubadours, medieval poet-musicians from the southern region of France, belonged to: mainly the upper classes and the aristocracy. activities associated with secular music in medieval society?

Q. Where did the Madrigal first emerge as an important genre?

Madrigal, form of vocal chamber music that originated in northern Italy during the 14th century, declined and all but disappeared in the 15th, flourished anew in the 16th, and ultimately achieved international status in the late 16th and early 17th centuries.

Q. Why is Renaissance painting considered more realistic than medieval painting?

Why is Renaissance painting considered more realistic than medieval painting? Renaissance painters discovered a perspective that made it possible to see the whole simultaneously. Religious belief became more personal during the Renaissance. Renaissance painters preferred symbolism to realism.

Q. Why was Renaissance art so realistic?

Their art celebrated human ideas and ability. Renaissance artists stressed the beauty of the human body. They tried to capture the dignity3 of human beings in lifelike paintings and sculptures. In order to create more realistic art, Renaissance artists developed new painting techniques.

Q. Why do old paintings look so realistic?

A painting is paint on a flat surface. Renaissance artists painted very skillful illusions of people, objects and landscapes. Modern artists paint paint on a flat surface. Modern artists’ paintings are more realistic because they are not intended to be illusory.

Q. Why do old paintings of people look weird?

Some artists sought out the unusual or ugly, as way of studying human character or making a point about sin or politics. Da Vinci made many studies of grotesque faces, because he was intensely interested in the human being behind the face, how time and personality can affect the way people look.

Q. Why are medieval paintings so creepy?

It’s because the artists of the time were trying to do their best, and the results were creepy (e.g. Certain images of baby Jesus). Artists didn’t care about appearance. The main purpose of art was to teach the peasants that couldn’t read stories of the Bible or of saints.

Q. When did paintings become realistic?

Realism was not consciously adopted as an aesthetic program until the mid-19th century in France, however. Indeed, realism may be viewed as a major trend in French novels and paintings between 1850 and 1880.

Q. What is the most expensive paintings in the world?

This is a list of the highest known prices paid for paintings. The current record price is approximately US$450.3 million paid for Leonardo da Vinci’s Salvator Mundi in November 2017.

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