What coordination means?

What coordination means?

HomeArticles, FAQWhat coordination means?

1 : the process of organizing people or groups so that they work together properly and well. 2 : the harmonious functioning of parts for effective results The game requires excellent hand-eye coordination.

Q. How do you find the coordination number of a crystal structure?

It’s more difficult to determine chemical bonding in solid-state crystals, so the coordination number in crystals is found by counting the number of neighboring atoms. Most commonly, the coordination number looks at an atom in the interior of a lattice, with neighbors extending in all directions.

Q. What is the coordination number of NaCl?


Q. What are the types of coordination?

What are the two main types of coordination? Answer: The two primary types of coordination are internal coordination or establishing a relationship between all the employees, departments, etc. and external coordination or establishing a relationship between the employees and the outsiders.

Q. What is the importance of coordination?

Importance of Coordination in an Organization Coordination minimizes the conflicts, rivalries are ended, wastages, delays, indifferences and other organizational problems. It ensures smooth function of the organization. Hence, with the help of coordination an organization can fulfil its objectives promptly.

Q. What is the process of coordination?

Abstract. Team coordination is a process that involves the use of strategies and patterns of behavior aimed to integrate actions, knowledge and goals of interdependent members, in order to achieve common goals.

Q. How do you achieve effective coordination?

The main techniques for effective coordination are as follows:

  1. Sound Planning.
  2. Sound Organizational Structure.
  3. Clearly Defined Objectives.
  4. Maintaining Co-operation.
  5. Formation of Committees.
  6. Comprehensive Policies and Programs.
  7. Voluntary Cooperation.
  8. Effective Communication.

Q. What are the problems faced in securing effective coordination?

Ineffective leadership: (i) a conducive work environment, (ii) proper allocation of work, (iii) incentives for good work, etc. It must persuade subordinates, to have identity of interests and to adopt a common outlook.

Q. What is meant by coordination explain why coordination is important in an organization?

Coordination in management refers to bringing together the activities and resources of organisation and bringing harmony in them in order to achieve the organisation objectives. It is the orderly-arrangement of group efforts to provide unity of action in the pursuit of common purpose.

Q. What are the important features and phases of coordination?

Features of coordination A force that binds all the other functions of management. The management of an organization endeavours to achieve optimum coordination through its basic functions of planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling.

Q. What is meant by coordination answer?

Coordination is defined as the working together of various organs of the body of an organism in a proper manner to produce appropriate reaction to a stimulus is called coordination. Coordination is achieved by different mechanisms in plants and humans.

Q. In what manner are all the elements of coordination connected?

Essential elements of coordination: Balancing: Efforts, jobs and activities of all departments must be balanced. In other words, the entire work must be divided and assigned to each department evenly. 2. Timing: Timing involves scheduling of operations in a suitable order.

Q. What is another word for coordination?

What is another word for coordination?


Q. How do you test coordination?

Coordination is evaluated by testing the patient’s ability to perform rapidly alternating and point-to-point movements correctly. Ask the patient to place their hands on their thighs and then rapidly turn their hands over and lift them off their thighs.

Q. What is meant by coordination in the body?

The definition of coordination is the ability to execute smooth, accurate, controlled motor responses (optimal interaction of muscle function). Coordination is the ability to select the right muscle at the right time with proper intensity to achieve proper action.

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