What conclusion can you draw from line 10 and the description of patuxet in lines 119 135?

What conclusion can you draw from line 10 and the description of patuxet in lines 119 135?

HomeArticles, FAQWhat conclusion can you draw from line 10 and the description of patuxet in lines 119 135?

line 10 and the description of Patuxet in lines 119-135 support the conclusion that. From the perspective of William Wood, the primary advantage of the wetu described in lines 136-149 was that they were. Based on information in lines 194-203, why did a pniese need to have additional training.

Q. What is the main reason that Mann gives to explain the dominance of the Hopewell culture in North America?

What is the main reason that Mann gives to explain the dominance of the Hopewell culture in North America? permanent, but with loosely knit populations. Tisquantum was a member of a community with many resources.

Q. What did tisquantum consider himself as?

Nor did Tisquantum think of himself as an “Indian,” any more than the inhabitants of the same area today would call themselves “Western Hemisphereans.” As Tisquantum’s later history would make clear, he regarded himself first and foremost as a citizen of Patuxet, one of the dozen or so shoreline settlements in what is …

Q. What evidence does Mann provide to support the idea that Indians in the 16th century New England lived in a dynamic world?

The evidence that Mann provides to support the idea that the Indians in sixteenth-century New England lived in a dynamic world because they had villages and communicated with one and other.

Q. What is the central idea about Native American societies?

The central idea about Native American societies in the Downland that Mann’s communicates in this excerpt is that they have morals, rules, and government that eventually evolves. They are civilized and in fact more civilized that the Europeans.

Q. What is the main idea of coming of age in the Dawnland?

Mann’s main purpose for writing Dawnland is to inform the audience that there is a common misconception in society that the Native Americans were savage people. He wants to try to persuade the audience that the Native Americans and the early European settlers were actually not very different. 2.

Q. What does WETU mean and why did Mann choose that word instead of what it means?

Why might Mann choose to use this word rather than “home” or “house”? That he uses wetu because it does not the same connection as home or house, because when said home or house you think of somewhere comfy,but when you use wetu you think of something wet or damped.

Q. What impression of the community does this imagery create for readers?

The impression of the community that this imagery creates for the readers is pleasant and peaceful. Throughout lines 119-135 the reader is taken to this place of calmness and beauty as it describes Cape Cod Bay.

Q. Why might the author include terms that would be both familiar and unfamiliar to his audience?

Why might the author include terms that would be both familiar and unfamiliar to his audience? By including information about how Tisquantum perceived himself and his world, the author helps the reader understand and empathize with Tisquantum. 4.

Q. What strategy could you use to determine the meaning of the term casus belli?

Lines 234–236: What strategy could you use to determine the meaning of the term casus belli? That they were quick and secret attacks to get the enemy off guard.

Q. Why was patuxet called Dawnland?

In Massachusett, the name for the New England shore was the Dawnland, the place where the sun rose. The inhabitants of the Dawnland were the People of the First Light.

Q. Does Charles C Mann achieve his purpose for writing coming of age in the Dawnland?

Science journalist, Charles C. Mann, had successfully achieved his argumentative purpose about the “Coming of Age in the Dawnland.” Mann’s overall purpose of writing this argumentative was to show readers that there’s more to than just being called or being stereotyped as a savage- a cynical being.

Q. What was the author’s purpose in coming of age in the Dawnland?

Mann’s purpose for writing the passage, Coming of Age in the Dawnland, was to describe the development of Dawnland as well as the cultures in the community and to compare Tisquantum to the other people within the civilizations.

Q. Who is the author of Coming of Age in the Dawnland from 1491?

Charles C. Mann

Q. Why does the author use the Patuxet term WETU instead of saying home?

Why might Mann chose to use this word rather than “home” or “house”? In line 136, instead of writing home, Mann writes Wetu , which means home in Hopewell. I infer that Mann chose to use Wetu instead of home to give the readers more insight on the native’s culture and language.

Q. Why was patuxet called the Dawnland quizlet?

It serves to introduce the topic of Wampanoag culture at Patuxet. Why was Patuxet called the Dawnland? In the language of the Wampanoag, the New England shoreline was called the Dawnland.

Q. How might the title coming of age in the Dawnland give you a clue to the author’s purpose?

“Mann’s main purpose for writing Dawnland is to inform the audience that there is a common misconception in society that the Native Americans were savage people. He wants to try to persuade the audience that the Native Americans and the early European settlers were actually not very different.”

Q. What does casus belli mean?

allegedly justifies a war

Q. What is casus belli civ6?

Casus Belli represent reasons to go to war where the normal Warmonger penalty for a declaration of war or capturing cities are reduced or eliminated.

Q. What does propagandistic casus belli mean?

A casus belli (‘occasion for war’) is an act or event that provokes or is used to justify war. A casus belli involves direct offenses or threats against the nation declaring the war, whereas a casus foederis involves offenses or threats against its ally—usually one bound by a mutual defense pact.

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What conclusion can you draw from line 10 and the description of patuxet in lines 119 135?.
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