What can work with primates tell us about language acquisition?

What can work with primates tell us about language acquisition?

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The trainers have observed that young males frequently sign to talk about games, such as tickle and chase. An important finding about primate language use at the CHCI is that the chimps use signs to refer to natural language categories. For example, the chimps use one sign signifying “dog” to refer to all dogs.

Q. Do apes have the capability for symbolic language?

Thus, ape language research provided strong support for the gestural theory of language by demonstrating that apes could communicate symbolically with visual rather than auditory communication systems.

Q. What examples indicate that apes can manipulate items in their environment for a purpose?

What examples indicate that apes can manipulate items in their environment for a purpose? (Some examples included chimps making spears and apes finding ways to get food that would otherwise have been inaccessible.) Humans will copy other humans verbatim even if it includes unnecessary actions, while apes will not.)

Q. What are main differences between chimpanzees and bonobos?

The biggest differences between the two are in how they govern their societies: Chimps are led by an alpha male and tend to maintain order through aggression, while bonobos are dominated by females and keep the peace through sex.

Q. Can bonobos mate with chimpanzees?

The closest known data is that hybridization between chimpanzees and bonobos, which share 99.6% of the genome (and see the chart) is easily possible.

Q. Why do bonobos look like humans?

The research team looked at bonobo muscles—which indicate how they function physically—and discovered the species is more closely related to human anatomy than common chimpanzees. Their muscles have changed less than they have in common chimpanzees since the evolutionary split, researchers found.

Q. Do bonobos like humans?

A Socially Tolerant Ape Together with chimpanzees, bonobos are humans’ closest living relatives, sharing 98.7% of our DNA.

Q. What animal is closest to extinction?

Javan rhino

Q. What is the closest animal to a dragon?


Q. Can a Komodo dragon kill an elephant?

The species is indigenous to the islands of komodo rinca flores and gili motang in indonesia. Komodo dragon kills elephant. Komodo dragons can kill even the largest prey with a single bite.

Q. What animal is closest to a dinosaur?


Q. How did Dragons die?

Dragons only died out in Westeros, south of the Wall. That was largely due to the catastrophic Targaryen civil war known as the Dance of the Dragons.

Q. Is a dragon a dinosaur?

Children may confuse a “dragon” as a type of dinosaur. Dragons exist only in stories and myths. However, dinosaurs were once real creatures.

Q. Did medieval people think dinosaur bones were dragons?

The recent discovery of a 66-million-year-old fossil named Dracorex hogwartsia (named after the school in JK Rowling’s Harry Potter books) led scholars to consider this possiblity. It’s hard to deny that Dracorex bears a striking resemblance to the dragons depicted in ancient China and Medieval Europe.

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What can work with primates tell us about language acquisition?.
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