What came first Catholic or Orthodox?

What came first Catholic or Orthodox?

HomeArticles, FAQWhat came first Catholic or Orthodox?

The two were once one so originally there was no separation, and originally it was just the “Christian Church.” The Orthodox church is considered the original church now because they follow more of the old traditions than Roman Catholics do; more changes happened in the Catholic church after the east west schism than …

Q. What is the difference between Catholic Orthodox and Protestant?

The Orthodox Church believes the Holy Spirit “proceeds from God the Father,” while for Catholics and Protestants, the Holy Spirit “proceeds from the Father and the Son.” Some Orthodox believers see the Catholic/Protestant version as underestimating the role of the Father in the Trinity, while critics of the Orthodox …

Q. Is the Orthodox Church Protestant?

The Orthodox Church is one of the three main Christian groups (the others being Roman Catholic and Protestant). Since the Eastern capital of the Roman Empire was Byzantium, this style of Christianity is sometimes called ‘Byzantine Christianity’.

Q. Can an orthodox marry a Protestant?

The Catholic Church recognizes as sacramental, (1) the marriages between two baptized Protestants or between two baptized Orthodox Christians, as well as (2) marriages between baptized non-Catholic Christians and Catholic Christians, although in the latter case, consent from the diocesan bishop must be obtained, with …

Q. Why does the Orthodox Church allow divorce?

For the Eastern Orthodox, the marriage is “indissoluble” as in it should not be broken, the violation of such a union, perceived as holy, being an offence resulted from either adultery or the prolonged absence of one of the partners. Thus, permitting remarriage is an act of compassion of the Church towards sinful man.

Q. Does the Orthodox Church recognize Protestant baptism?

No. If they were performed with immersions in the name of the Trinity with a sacramental understanding then they can meet the presuppositions for that person being received into the Orthodox Church by economia, but that does not mean we believe the Protestant baptism was legit.

Q. How do I convert from Catholic to Orthodox?

Originally Answered: How do I convert from catholic to orthodox? You cannot. You can only become a Catholic who is no longer attending Mass and Confession in the Catholic Church. But once you are a Catholic, you remain a Catholic for all eternity, perhaps not a good Catholic, but a Catholic nonetheless.

Q. Do Orthodox believe Protestants are saved?

Protestants as a rule believe that in order to go to heaven, a person has to “accept Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior”, and the Eastern Orthodox church does not “accept Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior” the same way that Protestants usually do, i.e. by saying a “sinner’s prayer”.

Q. How do I convert to Greek Orthodox?

What Do I Need to Do to Become Greek Orthodox?

  1. Talk With an Orthodox Priest. Before you start the process of converting, you will want to speak with a priest in the Greek Orthodox Church.
  2. Learn About the Religion. A big part of your journey will be to learn everything that you can about it.
  3. Experience Church Services.
  4. Follow Instructions.

Q. Do you have to convert to marry Greek Orthodox?

A Greek Orthodox man or woman can get married to a non-Orthodox man or woman providing they are Christian and have been baptized with water in the name of the Holy Trinity. The marriage must also take place in an Orthodox Church by an Orthodox Priest.

Q. Do you have to be Greek to be Orthodox?

There is no such thing as Greek Orthodox. There is the Eastern Orthodox Church, that accepts people regardless of origin, ethnicity, race, nationality, language and sex. All that means non-Greeks can definitely become members of the Eastern Orthodox Church.

Q. Can a non Greek Orthodox be a godparent?

These days, the church requires that at least one of the godparents is an Orthodox Christian of good standing. The other godparent doesn’t have to be Orthodox but both do need to be approved by the church or your priest. Only one godparent is really needed but a second can be chosen to assist in the process.

Q. Can a Catholic be a godparent to an Orthodox?

If by “Orthodox-Catholic” you mean the (Eastern) Orthodox Church, in communion with the patriarch of Constantinople et al., then yes, you can be godparent to a child in the Catholic Church. You may still be able to be a ‘witness’ but there would have to be at least one Catholic godparent.

Q. Why do Orthodox baptise babies?

The Eastern Orthodox Church, Oriental Orthodoxy and the Assyrian Church of the East also insist on the need to have infants baptised as soon as is practicable after birth. Baptism is a sacrament because it is an “instrument” instituted by Jesus Christ to impart grace to its recipients.

Q. What are Greek godparents called?

More Greek words for godmother. νονά noun. noná godmother. ανάδοχος noun. anádochos sponsor, concessionaire, godfather, godparent.

Q. What is your Greek god parent?


Q. Who can be a godparent in the Greek Orthodox Church?

In order to be an Orthodox godparent, numerous boxes need to be ticked. The main requirements are that the person be at least 12 years old and baptised in the Eastern Orthodox Christian Church. In our case, this limited the number of candidates.

Q. What are the responsibilities of godparents?

In general, a godparent’s role is to stay connected with the child in some manner throughout life. You will be at the baby’s christening and perhaps take part in the ceremony. Most importantly, you’ll serve as a mentor and take the symbolic place of the child’s parent of your gender if that parent passes away.

In the United States, the godparent has no rights because he or she is not a member of the family or tied into the family legally. Even if the child wants to see the godparent and the parents do not want this to happen, they get the last say as the legal guardians of the youth.

Q. Can a Protestant be a Catholic godparent?

No. The Godfather and Godmother are people who take an oath (in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit) to bring up the person being baptised in the Catholic faith in case the parents become incapacitated, die or whatever. Since the Protestants are an opposing faith – they cannot be godparents.

Q. Do godparents have to be a couple?

Usually that persons wife or husband was considered a godparent but not really viewed as a godfather or godmother. Nowadays the modern parents decide they want to have 10 godfathers and godmothers for their children so they dont have to be a couple. Both sets of kids godparents are not married to each other.

Q. Can you marry your godparents child?

Yes they can as long as they are in good standing with the Catholic Church. To be in good standing they cannot be remarried, or in a serious relationship, unless the previous marriage has been granted an annulment.

Q. Can I be a godmother without being Catholic?

The Code of Canon Law (basically, the laws that govern the Church) state that godparents must be Confirmed* Catholics. It’s simply not permitted for someone who is not a Confirmed Catholic. *If you’re not familiar, Confirmation is a a Sacrament of the Church that basically completes your initiation into the Church.

Q. Do both godparents have to be Catholic?

A godparent is supposed to mentor the child in their faith. “Because of what godparent strictly means, we only have practising Catholics as godparents, and fellow Christians as ‘special witnesses’,” says Fr Paul Keane, a parish priest in Essex.

Q. Can a Jehovah Witness be a godparent?

Being a godparent is more of a legal, social and relationship based choice rather than religion. Jehovahs Witness can and have adopted children in the past from countries such as Sri Lanka, and to me this falls into the same category of optional family ties if you will.

Q. Can Grandparents be Catholic godparents?

Yes, a grandparent can be the godparent of a child as long as they are at least 16 years of age, a confirmed Catholic who has received the Eucharist, not under any canonical penalty, and not the parent of the child.

Q. What are Catholic godparents?

Godparent, formally sponsor (from Latin spondere, “to promise”), masculine godfather, feminine godmother, in Christianity, one who stands surety for another in the rite of baptism. In the Roman Catholic Church, godparents must be of the Catholic faith.

Q. Can you have 2 female godparents Catholic?

You can have more than 1, but there has to be a primary one for the church records. (One male & one female for the church records).

Q. Who can be a Catholic godparent?

The canonical requirements for godparents for Baptism and sponsors for Confirmation are the following: Must be a Catholic who is baptized and confirmed. Must be 16 years of age. Must regularly practice the faith.

Q. Are godparents religious?

In Christian denominations, a godparent is traditionally considered to be an infant’s religious sponsor, involved in the child’s religious upbringing. And among Millennials, who are now having children, less than a third say they attend religious services on a weekly basis.

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What came first Catholic or Orthodox?.
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