What are the two uses of limestone?

What are the two uses of limestone?

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Uses of limestone

Q. What kind of mineral is limestone?

calcium carbonate

Q. Can opal be found in limestone?

Precious opal can form in tiny voids within the limestone. It can also form as groundwater dissolves some of the limestone, and immediately precious opal precipitates in its place. This chemical process is known as “replacement” or “silicification”.

Q. Where is limestone found in the world?

Most of them are found in shallow parts of the ocean between 30 degrees north latitude and 30 degrees south latitude. Limestone is forming in the Caribbean Sea, Indian Ocean, Persian Gulf, Gulf of Mexico, around Pacific Ocean islands, and within the Indonesian archipelago.

Q. Why is limestone used?

Limestone has numerous uses: as a building material, an essential component of concrete (Portland cement), as aggregate for the base of roads, as white pigment or filler in products such as toothpaste or paints, as a chemical feedstock for the production of lime, as a soil conditioner, and as a popular decorative …

  • It can be used as a building material.
  • It is used in the production of cement by heating powdered limestone with clay.
  • It is a major ingredient in toothpaste.
  • It can be used as a food additive to provide calcium ions for strong teeth and bones.

Q. Which industry is limestone mainly used?

Limestone is used as a raw material in cement industry. It is the main ingredient for the production of cement.

Q. Which industry uses limestone as raw material?


Q. Which industry uses bauxite as raw material?

aluminium industry

Q. What is basic industry give example?

(iv) Basic industries are those which supply their raw materials to industries which manufacture other goods. An example is the iron and steel industry which supplies steel to the automobile industry. (v) The important raw materials used in the manufacturing of cement are: limestone, silica, alumina and gypsum.

Q. Which has been called as the backbone of industry?

Solution: Iron and Steel Industry is often called the backbone of modern industry. Almost everything we use is either made of iron or steel or has been made with tools and machinery of these metals.

Q. Why is steel called the backbone of modern industries?

Question. Why is steel called the backbone of modern industries? Steel is called the backbone of modern industries because almost everything we use is either made up of steel or is made by using devices and tools made of steel.

Q. Which industry is known as sunrise industry?

A sunrise industry is one that is new or relatively new, is growing fast and is expected to become important in the future. Examples of sunrise industries include hydrogen fuel production, petrochemical industry, food processing industry, space tourism, and online encyclopedias.

Q. Which industry is often referred?

(iii) Which industry is often referred to as the backbone of the modern industry and why? Answer: Steel is called the backbone of the modern industry because almost everything we use is either made of steel or has been made with machinery or tools made out of steel.

Q. What do you mean by industry Class 8?

Define industry. Answer: The industry refers to economic activity that is concerned with the production of goods, extraction of minerals, or the provision of services. Industries are classified according to the raw material used, size, and ownership.

Q. Which industry is known as sunrise industry Class 8?

A new and growing industry especially in electronics and telecommunications is known as the sunrise industry. IT industry is called a sunrise industry as it has grown at a fast pace in last ten years.

Q. Why are people considered a resource class 8?

Answer: People are considered a resource because with their demands and capabilities they can create new resources. Nature’s bounty becomes important only when people find it and make it useful for them. Hence, human resource is also considered an important and potential resource for the society.

Q. What is life expectancy Class 8?

What is life expectancy? Answer: Life expectancy is the number of years an average person can expect to live, based on data.

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What are the two uses of limestone?.
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