What are the two reasons suggested for Antonio’s sadness?

What are the two reasons suggested for Antonio’s sadness?

HomeArticles, FAQWhat are the two reasons suggested for Antonio’s sadness?

Some commentators have suggested that Antonio’s sadness probably stems from the fact that he realizes that he will soon lose the company of his best friend and companion, Bassanio, to that of a seemingly beautiful and wealthy young maiden, Portia with whom Bassanio has become infatuated.

Q. What does Antonio promise to Bassanio?

Answer: Antonio , made a promise to Bassanio to arrange for the money, so that, Bassanio may go to Belmont to present himself as the best suitor and win her lady love Portia, in the lottery caskets that her father planned.

Q. How does Antonio respond to Bassanio’s request?

Answer: Antonio responds eagerly to his friend’s needs. He is keen to know what he can do to help Bassanio. He is ready to place at his friend’s disposal everything he has.

Q. Why can’t Antonio lend Bassanio money?

Answer Expert Verified Antonio’s money is tied up in his ships and trading, so he doesn’t have the cash on hand to loan to Bassanio himself. The trouble occurs when Shylock wants a pound of Antonio’s flesh, rather than the money paid back and the interest he would have made on the sum.

Q. What are Antonio’s ships compared to?

Salarino compares Antonio’s ships sailing on the waves with the great lords and wealthy citizens, who look down on lesser men as they walk along the street. He says that compared to smaller ships, Antonio’s ships move swiftly on the sea with their canvas sails and look like grand spectacles or pageants of the sea.

Q. What does Salarino think Antonio’s sadness is about?

Salarino says he is certain the cause of Antonio’s bad feeling is that he is thinking about all his ships being tossed about on the ocean, ships full of cargo that will make him rich or make him poor if they are lost.

Q. What does Antonio compare life on this earth to?

When Antonio is speaking to Gratiano at the beginning of the play, he compares life on this earth to a staged play. He feels that we are here acting out the part that the gods have set out for us and we are here to entertain them with our scripted antics.

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What are the two reasons suggested for Antonio’s sadness?.
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