What are the two main categories of nutrients?

What are the two main categories of nutrients?

HomeArticles, FAQWhat are the two main categories of nutrients?

Nutrients can be divided into two categories: macronutrients, and micronutrients. Macronutrients are those nutrients that the body needs in large amounts. These provide the body with energy (calories). Micronutrients are those nutrients that the body needs in smaller amounts.

Q. Which food group should take up most of your plate?

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, you should consume the highest proportion of your foods from the grain group. However, you should consume almost as many portions from the vegetable group; fill your plate a little over one-fourth full with grains and add almost the same amount of vegetables.

Q. What is triple mix principle?

Triple mix is a mixture of three equal parts of topsoil, peat, and compost. It is commercially sold as a means to amend a variety of poor soil conditions. Generally used for establishing or maintaining lawns and gardens.

Q. What is a triple mix menu?

Three-mixes. Good meals can be made with foods from three groups. These are called three-mixes. The foods they include are: Staple + beans or peas + dark green leafy vegetables or orange vegetables.

Q. What is triple mix soil used for?

Triple mix is a mixture of three types of soil: topsoil, manure and peat moss. Triple mix can be used as a top dressing and is perfect for the garden. If you have clay-heavy or sandy soil in your garden, triple mix will break it down and provide a good balance. Black garden soil is rich with nutrients.

Q. What are the factors to consider when planning meals?

There are five factors you’ll want to take into consideration when making your meal plan.

  • Available Time to Cook. Take a look at your week and determine how much time you have to cook.
  • Seasonal Food Availability.
  • Variety of Foods.
  • Special Occasions.
  • Financial Resources.

Q. What are the 6 principles of good menu planning?

To improve food quality, household meals should be planned based on six principles; namely adequacy, balance, calorie (energy) control, nutrient density, moderation and variety.

Q. What are the 5 elements that make a meal appealing?


  • COLOR: Some of the most beautiful objects in nature are foods.
  • TEXTURE: What can be seen; it can be felt with the tongue.
  • SIZE AND SHAPE: Use various sizes and shapes.
  • FLAVOR: Variety is important!
  • TEMPERATURE: Meals are more interesting if some hot and some cold foods are used.
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What are the two main categories of nutrients?.
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