What are the true birthstones?

What are the true birthstones?

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Birthstones by Month

Q. Is limestone formed by cooling lava?

Molten rock that flows beneath the earth’s surface and is made up of gases, liquids, and crystals. When magma reaches the surface, it is called lava. A type of metamorphic rock formed when limestone is pushed down into the earth and subjected to intense heat and pressure for a long period of time.

Q. Can I wear my birthstone everyday?

First of all, you should make sure that your birthstone is hard enough to be worn on a daily basis and that’s when the Moh’s hardness scale comes in hand. Anything above 7.5 on the Moh’s scale is good enough to be worn daily and anything below that should get special attention.

Q. Why is there a birthstone?

Experts believe that birthstones can be traced back to the Bible. In Exodus 28, Moses sets forth directions for making special garments for Aaron, the High Priest of the Hebrews. Specifically, the breastplate was to contain twelve precious gemstones, representing the twelve tribes of Israel.

Q. Who made up birthstones?

The modern tradition of wearing one stone for their month of birth did not begin until the 16th century and originated in either Germany or Poland. This was the start of the birthstone trend we are familiar with today.

  • January – Garnet. The January birthstone, garnet, is thought to keep the wearer safe during travel.
  • February – Amethyst.
  • March – Aquamarine.
  • April – Diamond.
  • May – Emerald.
  • June – Pearl.
  • July – Ruby.
  • August – Peridot.

Q. Why do some months have 2 birthstones?

Traditionally each month is associated with one birthstone but you will find some months have multiple birthstones. This fact does create some confusion but the multiple options for some months was created in order to allow more affordable options in addition to the traditional more expensive stones.

Q. Does diamond suit everyone?

Diamond is everyone’s favourite stone. But they are certainly not for everyone, as they are one of the most expensive gemstones. However, according to Vedic astrology, even if you can afford it, not everyone can wear them. They believe that diamonds can either bring good luck or bad luck to its wearer.

Q. What are the 12 birthstone colors?

More videos on YouTube

  • January – Garnet. Are you a January baby?
  • February – Amethyst. Next on our list of our birthstones by month is amethyst, which belongs to those born in February.
  • March – Aquamarine.
  • April – Diamond.
  • May – Emerald.
  • June – Alexandrite.
  • July – Ruby.
  • August – Peridot.
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