What are the three subfields of industrial/organizational psychology quizlet?

What are the three subfields of industrial/organizational psychology quizlet?

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Industrial-organizational (I/O) psychology studies behaviors in the workplace through the three subfields of personnel psychology, organizational psychology, and human factors psychology. Describe how personnel psychologist help organization with employee selection, work placement, and performance appraisal.

Q. Which of the following is defined as the desire to make significant accomplishments through mastery of skills or meeting high standards?

Need for achievement (N-Ach) is an individual’s desire for significant accomplishment, mastering of skills, control, or high standards.

Q. Who created the theory that motivation arises from a desire for significant accomplishment for mastering skills or ideas for control and for attaining a high standard?

Henry Murray

Q. What is the need or desire that energizes and directs behavior?


Q. What is Flow AP Psychology?

flow. a completely involved, focused state of consciousness, with diminished awareness of self and time, resulting from optimal engagement of one’s skills. personnel psychology. a subfield of I/O psychology that focuses on employee recruitment, selection, placement, training, appraisal, and development.

Q. What is the weakness of drive reduction theory?

The major weakness of the Drive Reduction Theory is its’ inability to explain why humans do things which put them into a stressed or unfulfilled state, and why they often fail under high arousal.

Q. What part of the nervous system triggers many of the physical responses?

Autonomic nervous system

Q. Can nerve damage affect your emotions?

Alteration in mood is a common sign of neurological disease, as a result of either the pathological process itself or of the patient’s awareness of the disease. Although depression is most common, euphoria or mood swings may occur with disease of the frontal lobes of the brain.

Q. What part of nervous system controls emotions?

limbic system

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