What are the steps of Photophosphorylation?

What are the steps of Photophosphorylation?

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In fact, it’s called photophosphorylation because it involves using light energy (photo) to make ATP from ADP (phosphorylation)….Here are the basic steps:

Q. What molecule replaces electrons lost by chlorophyll in photosystem?


Q. How are the excited electrons that leave the chlorophyll replaced?

The excited electrons leave chlorophyll to participate in further reactions, leaving the chlorophyll “at a loss”; eventually they must be replaced. In this process of photolysis (“splitting by light”), H2O molecules are broken into hydrogen ions, electrons, and oxygen atoms.

Q. Where do chlorophyll molecules in Photosystem 1 get electrons to replace the electrons that are transferred during photosynthesis?

To replace the released electron, water molecules are split into their components in a process called photolysis. The liberated electrons are taken in by photosystem II. Photosystem I, on the other hand, accepts electrons from plastocyanin in the first electron transport chain.

Q. What are the products of photosystem I and II?


Term EnergyDefinition The ability to do work
Term PhotophosphorylationDefinition adding a phosphate to ADP to form ATP using light
Term What are the product(s) of photosystem II?Definition oxygen ATP
Term What are the product(s) of photosystem I?Definition NADPH
  • Light absorption in PSII.
  • ATP synthesis.
  • Light absorption in PSI.
  • NADPH formation.

Q. What is the importance of noncyclic electron flow?

Photophosphorylation refers to the use of light energy to ultimately provide the energy to convert ADP to ATP, thus replenishing the universal energy currency in living things.

Q. What is produced in Noncyclic Photophosphorylation?

Noncyclic photophosphorylation involves both Photosystem I and Photosystem II and produces ATP and NADPH.

Q. What is the end product of light dependent reaction?

There are two end products of the light reaction of photosynthesis, ATP and NADPH. These molecules are produced during the cyclic and the non-cyclic photophosphorylation reactions.

Q. Which one does not occur in cyclic Photophosphorylation?

Photolysis of water does not take place. There is no evolution of oxygen takes place because it is not connected with photolysis of water. Cyclic photophosphorylation produces ATP only. It does not involve the formation of NADPH.

Q. Where do electrons go after they leave the chlorophyll?

The electron lost from the chlorophyll a special pair is replenished by splitting water. The passing of the electron in the first part of the electron transport chain causes protons to be pumped from the stroma to the thylakoid lumen.

Q. What supplies the electron that is lost by chlorophyll?

Electrons move from a pair of chlorophyll “a” molecules in photosystem I to another primary electron acceptor. The electrons that are lost by these chlorophyll “a” molecules are replaced by the electrons that have passed through the electron transport chain from photosystem II.

Q. What are the three products of photolysis of water?

Photolysis of water observes release of oxygen, as a by-product, and release of hydrogen.

Q. What is an example of photolysis?

The splitting or decomposition of a chemical compound by means of light energy or photons. For example, the photolysis of water molecule in photosynthesis occurred under the influence of light. When photons are absorbed, it causes the hydrogen to bind to an acceptor, subsequently releasing the oxygen.

Q. What are the end products of photolysis of water?

Photolysis of water observes release of oxygen, as a by-product, and release of hydrogen. During photosynthesis when chlorophyll is left by its electrons, the place where the electrons were is left with a hole, which is filled by oxidised water. When this oxidised water splits, it releases oxygen and hydrogen.

Q. What are the end products of light Dependant reaction?

There are two end products of the light reaction of photosynthesis, ATP and NADPH.

Q. Who discovered photolysis of water?

Robert Hill

Q. What is called photolysis of water?

Photolysis of water: Photolysis of water means the splitting of water molecules in the presence of light or photons into hydrogen ions, oxygen and electrons. Any photon with sufficient energy can split the chemical bond of any compound.

Q. What is meant by Photophosphorylation?

Photophosphorylation is the conversion of ADP to ATP using the energy of sunlight by activation of PSII. This involves the splitting of the water molecule in oxygen and hydrogen protons (H+), a process known as photolysis.

Q. What is photolysis of water class 9?

Photolysis of water in the presence of sunlight is the breakdown of the water molecule into hydrogen and oxygen. The process of photosynthesis in which plants convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen using solar energy.

Q. What does photolysis mean?

Photolysis, chemical process by which molecules are broken down into smaller units through the absorption of light.

Q. Where does the energy for photolysis come from?

This part of photosynthesis occurs in the granum of a chloroplast where light is absorbed by chlorophyll; a type of photosynthetic pigment that converts the light to chemical energy. This reacts with water (H2O) and splits the oxygen and hydrogen molecules apart.

Q. What is the importance of photolysis of water?

Photolysis of water in the presence of sunlight is the breakdown of the water molecule into hydrogen and oxygen. During the first photosynthesis step, ps-II (p680) absorbs the light energy. The chlorophyll electrons are energized to the excited state and absorbed by the electron acceptor.

Q. Why is the Colour of a leaf kept in dark?

The material that gives plants their characteristic green colour, chlorophyll, absorbs light energy. The colour of a leaf held in the dark shifts from a darker to a lighter shade of green, because leaves need light to perform photosynthesis.

Q. How is RuBP produced?

In the Calvin-Benson cycle, RuBP is a product of the phosphorylation of ribulose-5-phosphate (produced by glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate) by ATP.

Q. Where is RuBP produced?


Q. What is the most abundant protein in the blood?


Q. Which is the most abundant plant pigment in the world?

chlorophyll a

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