What are the options for Gallery shortcode in WordPress?

What are the options for Gallery shortcode in WordPress?

HomeArticles, FAQWhat are the options for Gallery shortcode in WordPress?

It will ignore the exclude and use only the include. These options can actually change the HTML elements that WordPress outputs with the gallery shortcode. The default option tags are as follows: itemtag=””dl”, icontag=”dt”, captiontag=”dd”.


  1. Install NextGEN Gallery or NextCellent Gallery, and create galleries/albums.
  2. Upload this plugin to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  4. Specify the gallery template as “download”

Your gallery will be available to edit under Gallery > Manage Galleries. If you want to add more images to this gallery, you can simply use the Add Gallery button Insert into Page > Upload Images and choose this gallery from the drop-down menu and add the image files like any other standard upload with NextGEN Gallery.


  1. To install Gmedia plugin upload grand-media folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory or install Gmedia Gallery via WP Dashboard.
  2. Activate the gallery plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.

For more information, feel free to visit the official website for the NextGEN Gallery WordPress Gallery Plugin. This plugin provides 1 block. INSTALLATION: The easiest way to start uploading your photos is to login to you WordPress dashboard, go to Plugins > Add New, search for NextGEN Gallery, and click to install the plugin.

NextGEN Plus and NextGEN Pro are premium WordPress gallery plugin extensions for NextGEN Gallery that add new photo gallery displays, lightboxes, ecommerce, proofing, and pro support. Learn more about NextGEN Plus and NextGEN Pro photo plugin features.

Q. Where do I find the shortcodes in WordPress?

WordPress has little code snippets, called shortcodes, that can be used in Posts, Pages, and Post Types. WordPress has many shortcodes, which can be added to using the shortcode API, covered here. These shortcodes, placed in the content editor area or placed in a theme file, are connected to functions that run when the content or post is loaded.

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