What are the most important skills for an OD professional?

What are the most important skills for an OD professional?

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Interpersonal Skills for an OD Practitioner

Q. What is an organization development practitioner?

An organization development practitioner applies behavioural science to issues within organisations and systems to align capability and strategy, intervening in systems so that people can better work together to achieve their goals. OD addresses this issue, backed by behavioural science, and human values.

Q. What are the types of organizational development interventions?

These are some of the earliest and best-known OD interventions.

  • Individual interventions.
  • Group interventions.
  • Third-party interventions.
  • Team building.
  • Organizational confrontation meeting.
  • Intergroup relations interventions.
  • Large-group interventions.
  • Organizational (structural) design.

Q. What is the role of an organizational development practitioner?

Organizational Development Practitioners are people who are entrusted with the job to carry out the planned change process in the organization. These are the people with the ultimate responsibility to development and create organizational wide effectiveness through challenging and changing its current practices.

Q. What should be the characteristics of an organizational development practitioner?

Top 13 Characteristics of Organizational Development

  • Planned Change:
  • Encompasses the Whole Organisation:
  • Long Range Change:
  • Systems Orientation:
  • Change Agent:
  • Problem Solving:
  • Experiential Learning:
  • Collaborative Management:
  • Managing and measuring work.
  • Organizational acumen.
  • Planning and prioritization.
  • Problem solving and decision making.
  • Process and project management.
  • Race, equity, and difference.
  • Self-awareness.
  • Speaking and presenting.

Q. What are the qualities of an effective od consultant?

  • Communication. Good interpersonal skills enable an OD practitioner to communicate effectively and build relationships.
  • Conflict Resolution.
  • Team Management.
  • Delegation.

Q. What are the core skills of an OD practitioner?

Based on the studies available, all OD practitioners should have the following basic skills and knowledge to be effective:

  • Intrapersonal skills.
  • Interpersonal skills.
  • General consultation skills.
  • Organization development theory.

Q. What are the major diagnostic activities of the OD practitioner?

  • Preliminary diagnosis.
  • Data gathering.
  • Data feedback.
  • Exploration of data.
  • Action planning.
  • Action.
  • Evaluation.

Q. Which is true of external OD consultants?

Which is true of external OD consultants? None of these are correct. (They are younger than internal OD consultants. With the development of new and varied intervention approaches, the role of the OD professional needs to be seen as being along the entire continuum from client-centered to consultant-centered.

Q. When entering into an OD relationship the presenting problem is?

When seeking help from OD practitioners, organizations typically start with a presenting problem—the issue that has caused them to consider an OD process. It may be specific (decreased market share, increased absenteeism) or general (“we’re growing too fast,” “we need to prepare for rapid changes”).

Q. What is internal OD consultant?

An internal consultant is, at first glance, just like an external consultant: a professional that is hired to solve an organisational problem and implement the solutions in order to improve the performance of an organisation.

Q. Which of the following areas do OD practitioners need to be familiar with?

Individual Psychology is a foundation competency required of OD practitioners *Intrapersonal, interpersonal, and emotional intelligence Ethical dilemmas of the OD practitioner concern * Misrepresentation *Misuse of data *Value and goal conflict Performance Drivers 1.

Q. When entering into an OD relationship the presenting problem is quizlet?

The presenting problem is most often a symptom rather than the real problem. Who is the relevant client if you are the OD practitioner entering into a contract relationship? clarifying the issue, determining the relevant client, and selecting a practitioner. both the client organization and the consultant.

Q. Which one of the following is not one of the stems of OD?

The main stems of OD are; laboratory training that helps in the overall development of employees, survey feedbacks/action research, quality work life with participative management and strategic change. Environmental analysis is part of both external and internal analysis plan. Therefore, B is the correct answer.

Q. Which of the following is not a core skill of an OD practitioner?


Term The assumption underlying the use of survey feedback in OD isDefinition surveys can provide feedback to the organization and be used to initiate change
Term Which of the following is not a “core” skill of an OD practitioner?Definition financial management skills

Q. Which answer below best describes the key objective s of OD?

Which answer below best describes the key objective(s) of OD? To improve planning based on strategy and clear logic.

Q. What is one of the major limitations of the internal consultant?

Disadvantage #1:Ambiguity Most internal consultants find one of their biggest dilemmas in the lack of a defined role. Whether due to lack of specification in the contract or in the job description, a nebulous understanding of the role can cause a lot of frustration for any internal consultant.

Q. Which of the following best describes techno structural interventions?

Which of the following best describes technostructural interventions? Focus on organization’s decision-making structure. What does the term “intervention” mean in Organization Development? Which of the following is NOT a type of OD intervention outlined in this text?

Q. Which of the following best describes the benefits of OD?

OD increases efficiency among employees in a firm. OD helps employees from two similar organizations work better together in a strategic alliance. OD is used with employees dealing with stress that comes from revitalizing an organization or adapting to a merger.

Q. What is techno structural intervention?

Technostructural Interventions, on the other hand, are organization development interventions targeted towards structural and technological issues in the organization and comprise of interventions in organization designs, work redesigns and employee involvement (Cummings & Worley, 2009).

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