What are the difference between Babar and Terai?

What are the difference between Babar and Terai?

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(i)Terai is a broad long zone south of Bhabar plain. (ii)It is a marshy, wet and marshy area covered with thick forests. (i)Bhabar is a long narrow plain along the foothills. (ii)It is a pebble studded zone of porous beds.

Q. What are people from the Himalayas called?

Sherpas are people who live in the northeastern part of Nepal, in the valleys of the Himalaya Mountains. There are about 40,000 sherpas , many of which live near Mount Everest, the world’s highest mountain.

Q. What is Terai zone class 9?

Terai: It is composed of comparatively finer alluvium and is covered by forests. It has underground streams and makes the area marshy. Suitable for agriculture.

Q. What is Khadar?

Khadir or Khadar (Hindi: खादर), also called Nali or Naili, are low-lying areas that are floodplains of a river and which are usually relatively narrower compared to unflooded bangar area.

Q. What are Bhabar and Terai regions?

The Terai. Terai is an ill-drained, damp (marshy) and thickly forested narrow tract to the south of Bhabar running parallel to it. The Terai is about15-30 km wide. The underground streams of the Bhabar belt re-emerge in this belt.

Q. What is Khadar Bangar?

(i) Bangar is the old alluvium. (i) Khadar is the new alluvium. In other words, Khadar is younger in age. (ii) Khadar is finer, more sandy and free from kankar nodules. (iii) Khadar is renewed frequently and is more fertile.

Q. Why is the Bhabar region most fertile?

The Ganges River lies to the west and Sharda to the east. Being at the junction of Himalayas and the Indo-Gangetic Plain, Bhabar contains almost all the important trade and commerce hubs of Uttarakhand state. Due to the top-soil replenishment every monsoon, It is also a fertile area with large yields per unit area.

Q. What are the features of Bhabar?

1. ​The deposition of pebble in a narrow belt parallel to the slopes of the Shiwalik range by the rivers descending from the mountains is known as bhabar. 3.It contains important trade and commerce hubs of Uttarakhand state and it is also a very fertile area with good agriculture productivity.

Q. What is Bhabar what is its nature?

Bhabar is the gently-sloping coarse alluvial zone below the Sivalik Hills (outermost foothills of the Himalayas) where streams disappear into permeable sediments. Being at the junction of Himalayas and the Indo-Gangetic Plain, Bhabar contains almost all the important trade and commerce hubs of Uttarakhand state.

Q. Where is Khadar found?

In India, Khadar soil is found along the Indo Ganga – Brahmaputra floodplain.

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What are the difference between Babar and Terai?.
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