What are categories WordPress?

What are categories WordPress?

HomeArticles, FAQWhat are categories WordPress?

You can now add Categories to the Pages just like you do it for your Posts. Now you can get the pages with specific category with the help of query post/wp_query.

Q. Should I use tags or categories in WordPress?

Categories are best used for broad groupings of topics. For example, if you’re creating a site that reviews media, you might use categories such as Books or Film or TV. Tags are much more specific topics that you want to use to associate related content.

Q. What are categories and tags in WordPress?

Categories and tags are the two primary ways to group content on a WordPress site. In simple terms, categories are general labels, while tags are more specific (describe your posts in more detail).

Q. What are blog categories and tags?

Blog categories and tags are a way of grouping related content so it is quick and easy for your intended audience to find them. Similar to the signs you see on roads and highways, categories and tags are linked labels that point you to where you need to go and ease and speed navigation.

Q. What are categories used for in WordPress?

Category is one of the default taxonomies in WordPress. You can use categories to sort and group your blog posts into different sections. For example, a news website might have categories for their articles filed under News, Opinion, Weather, and Sports.

Q. Do WordPress pages have categories?

Q. What are tags in WordPress?

A WordPress tag is one of the default tools you can use categorize your WordPress posts. Each post can contain multiple tags and visitors can click on a tag to find similar posts that have that same tag. Unlike WordPress categories, tags are completely optional.

Q. What is the difference between category or tag in WordPress?

Beyond the fact that every WordPress post needs a category, while tags are optional, here’s the main difference between tags vs categories: Categories are hierarchical, while tags are not hierarchical. Basically, this means that you can have a parent category with child subcategories.

Q. How to assign categories in WordPress?

Create your Page as you normally would. Of course,by “normally,” I do mean using the new WordPress editor.

  • Save your new Page.
  • Go to the Pages listing by clicking Pages in the left navigation of the admin panel ( Figure A ).
  • Q. How do I create tags in WordPress?

    To add tags to a new post, go to your blog’s admin area > Posts > Add New. When you write your new post, you can add a tag to it by typing the tag word in the Tags field on the right and clicking the Add button. You can add as many tags as you want.

    Q. How do WordPress tags work?

    WordPress tags is one of the tools you can use to group your posts, based on similar details. Usually, tags are located under a post or in the sidebar. When a visitor clicks a particular tag, WordPress will open an archive page (tag page) – indexing all the posts and custom post types that have the same tags.

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