Was Custer a good leader?

Was Custer a good leader?

HomeArticles, FAQWas Custer a good leader?

Custer was a very bold and courageous leader. He was always in front and gave his men the courage to fight as well. He was inspiring to those under him, and that made them such a powerful and effective fighting force. He was very persuasive as well and that brought him very far as well.

Q. Why was Custer Last Stand important?

The Battle of the Little Bighorn, also called Custer’s Last Stand, marked the most decisive Native American victory and the worst U.S. Army defeat in the long Plains Indian War. The demise of Custer and his men outraged many white Americans and confirmed their image of the Indians as wild and bloodthirsty.

Q. Was Custer a good general?

Custer became a Civil War general in the Union Army at 23. Although Custer struggled in the classroom, he excelled on the battlefield. After joining the Army of the Potomac’s cavalry following his graduation, he gained notice for his daring cavalry charges, bold leadership style and tactical brilliance.

Q. What did Custer’s enemies call him?

Old Curley

Q. Are they really speaking Sioux in Dances With Wolves?

Kevin Costner Said the Words but Doris Leader Charge Made the Dances Dialogue Truly Sioux. It was how to re-create an all but lost language—the Lakota dialect spoken by Sioux tribes in the 1860s, when the movie takes place.

Q. Did they kill the real buffalo in Dances With Wolves?

This scene was filmed in cuts. The buffalo that is shot and on the ground is a mechanical buffalo that raises its head and then is “shot” again. The buffalo liver that is cut out of a buffalo was actually made of jello. It took eight days of filming buffalo to get four minutes on screen.

Q. Why was Stands With A Fist bleeding?

After Dunbar discovers Stands With A Fist far from her tribe, who is bleeding profusely from having accidentally cut her thigh too deeply in a widow’s ritual, he loads her onto his horse and takes her back to her encampment.

Q. What do natives think of Dances With Wolves?

“Many people recognize me from Dances with Wolves,” explains the 67-year-old veteran of 91 film and television credits. Indeed, Many Native actors did enjoy a boost in their careers. But White Plume explains that many Lakota did not like how the white hero dominated the movie.

Q. What Dances With Wolves got wrong?

Continuity mistake: When Kevin Costner gets hit on the head by the top frame of the door, he is knocked out unconscious. Continuity mistake: The piece of meat that Dunbar offers the wolf changes shape and size dramatically throughout that scene.

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