Is the FirefoxDriver a class or an interface?

Is the FirefoxDriver a class or an interface?

HomeArticles, FAQIs the FirefoxDriver a class or an interface?

FirefoxDriver is a class that has been written specifically for the Firefox browser. It has methods that are implemented and it can be instantiated. It can perform all functions (or methods) on the Firefox browser as defined in the interface WebDriver .

Q. What is difference between and in XPath?

/ vs // in general Both child ( / ) and descendant-or-self ( // ) are axes in XPath. / is short for /child::node()/ . Use / to select a node’s immediate children. Use // to select a node, its children, its grandchildren, and so on recursively.

Q. What is RemoteWebDriver?

RemoteWebDriver consists of a server and a client. The server is a component that listens on a port for various requests from a RemoteWebDriver client. Once the request is received, it forwards the request to the browser driver: FirefoxDriver, IEDriver, or ChromeDriver.

Q. What is Selenium Grid and how it works?

Selenium Grid allows the execution of WebDriver scripts on remote machines (virtual or real) by routing commands sent by the client to remote browser instances. It aims to provide an easy way to run tests in parallel on multiple machines.

Q. What is the difference between grid and WebDriver API?

2 Answers. Selenium Grid: is a one of the part of Selenium libraries or we can say Selenium Framework. It is used when you want to execute your tests on remote computer. Selenium WebDriver is a class that can be part of Selenium Client library that you add it into your project as a dependency.

Q. What is Selenium RC?

Selenium RC is an important component in the Selenium test suite. It is a testing framework that enables a QA or a developer to write test cases in any programming language in order to automate UI tests for web applications against any HTTP website.

Q. What is test grid in software testing?

The Selenium Grid is a testing tool which allows us to run our tests on different machines against different browsers. It is a part of the Selenium Suite which specialise in running multiple tests across different browsers, operating system and machines.

Step 1) Storing cookie information.

  1. Create WebDriver instance.
  2. Login into the Application.
  3. Read the cookie information using driver.manage().getCookies();
  4. Store the cookie information using FileWriter Class to write streams of characters and BufferedWriter to write the text into a file to create into a file

Q. Is it possible to use only perform () without build ()?

3 Answers. The perform() inside the methods calls the perform() method in the inner class BuiltAction . A convenience method for performing the actions without calling build() first. This is little misleading (IMO), because build() is being called, even if implicitly.

Q. How are you doing screenshot of failed test cases?

Solution for this is to capture a screenshot of webpage when the test case fails. We do place the screen capture steps in a separate method using AfterMethod TestNG Annotation. If we use TestNG AfterMethod annotation then this particular method (AfterMethod) executes after every test execution.

Q. What does getWindowHandles () and getWindowHandle () return or its differences?

getWindowHandles() – It stores the set of handles for all the pages opened simultaneously. driver. getWindowHandle() – It fetches the handle of the web page which is in focus. It gets the address of the active browser and it has a return type of String.

Q. What is difference between getWindowHandle and getWindowHandles?

getWindowHandle() returns the window handle of currently focused window/tab. getWindowHandles() returns all windows/tabs handles launched/opened by same driver instance including all parent and child window. Return type of getWindowHandle() is String while return type of getWindowHandles() is Set.

Q. What is the return type of getAttribute () and getText ()?

The getText() method returns the innerText of an element. The text which is visible on the page along with sub elements. The getAttribute() method fetches the text contained by an attribute in an html document. If a value is not set for an attribute, null value is returned.

Q. Why we are using set for window handle?

We use Set collection for storing window ids because Set doesn’t allow duplicate objects. Since window ids are always unique for each window, we use Set to store them.

Q. How do you use an Action class?

Methods of Action Class

  1. doubleClick(): Performs double click on the element.
  2. clickAndHold(): Performs long click on the mouse without releasing it.
  3. dragAndDrop(): Drags the element from one point and drops to another.
  4. moveToElement(): Shifts the mouse pointer to the center of the element.

Q. How u will switch to different windows?

Get the handles of all the windows that are currently open using the command: Set allWindowHandles = driver. getWindowHandles(); which returns the set of handles. Use the SwitchTo command to switch to the desired window and also pass the URL of the web page.

Q. How do you handle frames?

How to handle frames in Selenium?

  1. switchTo().frame( frameNumber) This method uses the frame id as the parameter. The index of frame id starts from 0.
  2. switchTo().frame( frameName) This method uses the frame name as defined by the developer as the parameter.
  3. switchTo().frame( WebElement) This method uses the webelement as the parameter.

Q. How do I get all iFrames on a page?

Using jQuery: Give all iframes a CSS class such as loading_iframe . You can then use jQuery to select all elements that have the loading_iframe class. First,

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