Is scandium a rare earth?

Is scandium a rare earth?

HomeArticles, FAQIs scandium a rare earth?

Scandium and yttrium are considered rare earth elements since they tend to occur in the same ore deposits as the lanthanides and exhibit similar chemical properties.

Q. Which metal is most likely to form more than one kind of positively charged?

Nickel (Ni)

Q. Is Ni a nonmetal?

That is, the Group 7A nonmetals form 1- charges, the Group 6A nonmetals form 2- charges, and the Group 5A metals form 3- charges….Metals, Metalloids, and Nonmetals.


Q. Why does scandium have a 2+ charge?

The configuration with a single electron residing in the 3d orbital is found to be very unstable, Hence Sc Readily loses an electron to achieve noble gas configuration. Hence Sc 2+ ion is found to be very unstable.

Q. Why does scandium only show +3?

Scandium’s electron config is [Ar] 3p6 4s2 3d1 . It can’t lose 2 electrons to form a positive ion because it can cause destabilization. It can form a +3 ion to achieve a noble gas configuration. Therefore, the 3+ oxidation state is quite common for Scandium.

Q. Why is the +2 oxidation state so common for transition metals?

Transition metals have different electronic states. Since their orbitals have large volume, the energy required to give away electrons is very less. The transition metals have s,p,d and f orbitals. So it is easy to give 2 electrons from S orbital forming common oxidation state in transition metals.

Q. Why is scandium only 3 oxidation states?

Scandium can form a +3 ion to achieve a noble gas configuration. The energy need for removing one more electron from sc (+1) is very high hence it is difficult to form +2 oxidation state. So the oxidation state for scandium is +3 .

Q. Can scandium show +2 oxidation state?

Oxidation state of scandium is +3. Scandium does not show +2 oxidation state as it requires high energy for removing one more electron is very high.

Q. Why does scandium only have one oxidation state?

The energy need for removing one more electron from Sc(+1) is very high, hence it it very difficult to form a +2 oxidation state. Therefore, the 3+ oxidation state is quite common for Scandium.

Q. What element shows only 3 oxidation states?


Q. Which element is most likely to have an oxidation number of 3+?

The iron ion Fe3+, for example, has an oxidation number of +3 because it can acquire three electrons to form a chemical bond, while the oxygen ion O2− has an oxidation number of −2 because it can donate two electrons.

Q. Which element in 3d series is the strongest?


Q. Which element in 3d series is the strongest reducing agent?

Cr(II) is the strongest reducing agent in the 3d series.

Q. Which element is a strong reducing agent in 2 oxidation state?


Q. Which is stronger reducing agent Cr2+ or Fe2+?

Answer: Cr2+ is a stronger reducing agent than Fe2+. Thus Cr2+ is easily oxidised to Cr3+ but Fe2+ cannot be as readily oxidised to Fe3+.

Q. Which element is stronger oxidising agent in +3 oxidation state?

Solution. Mn is a strong oxidising agent in the +3 oxidation state because it achieves the stable 3d5 configuration in the +2 oxidation state.

Q. Which 3d series are the transition elements?

The elements scandium to zinc (Z = 21 to 30) are known as the 3d block of elements or 3d–block of metals because here the first of the possible d sub–shells is progressively filled (3d–block – first row of the d–blocks)….

321, Sc
422, Ti
523, V
624, Cr
725, Mn

Q. Which element is soft and why?

Regards! i) Zn is soft because it does not show the properties of transition metal. This is because Zn have fully filled d orbitals in both atomic and stable ionic state.

Q. Which element of 3d series has highest melting point?


Q. Which element has highest melting?

The chemical element with the highest melting point is tungsten, at 3,414 °C (6,177 °F; 3,687 K); this property makes tungsten excellent for use as electrical filaments in incandescent lamps.

Q. Which element has maximum melting point?


Q. Which has high melting point CR or CU?

Chromium group elements have highest melting points in their respectively series. Due to the half filled d- orbital due to presence of unpaired electron they form strong intermetallic bonds (formed by valence electrons and covalent bonds formed due to d-d overlapping of impaired d-electrons.)

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