Is RCC a earthquake?

Is RCC a earthquake?

HomeArticles, FAQIs RCC a earthquake?

RCC structures, referred to as framed structures, are made of concrete and steel and the load is carried by columns or shear walls to the foundation resting on concrete piles. Load bearing structures were typically built prior to the 1970s, and have low resistance to earthquake.

Q. Are earthquake resistant buildings safe?

The highest category of structural safety is that of “Earthquake Resistant — Operational”. Under this, there would be no damage to the property or any injury caused to its occupants irrespective of the magnitude of the earthquake.

Q. Which shape of plan is better in earthquake zone?

Hexagons are the best, as they cancel the lateral forces of seismic activities.

Q. Is steel framed building earthquake resistant?

Such a high share of steel in building construction is unique in the world. Thus, the basic idea of structural design has been estab- lished: that strong and tough materials should be used in building structures to resist the impact of severe earthquakes. Obviously, steel is the best material to fit such requirements.

Q. Is reinforced concrete earthquake resistant?

According to researchers, a layer of the building material can withstand a magnitude 9.0 earthquake. Researchers at the University of British Columbia (UBC) have created a fiber-reinforced concrete called eco-friendly ductile cementitious composite (EDCC), that can withstand high seismic activity.

Q. Can reinforced concrete withstand earthquakes?

Reinforced concrete structures produce three most important earthquake resistance properties, namely, stiffness, strength, and ductility. It is due to this reason that modern reinforced concrete buildings were found to survive these recent earthquakes with rarely any significant damage.

Q. Why is reinforced concrete good for earthquakes?

Reinforced concrete has some characteristics that enhance its ability to resist earthquake forces, and others that are detrimental. Perhaps the greatest advantage of reinforced concrete construction is continuity. If one component fails, the load is transferred to other components and the structure stands.

Q. Which type of building structure is more resistant to earthquake force?

Steel plate walls system Whereas most earthquake resistant construction methods are adapted from older systems, SPSW was invented entirely to withstand seismic activity. SPSW behavior is analogous to a vertical plate girder cantilevered from its base.

Q. Is it possible to design an earthquake proof structure?

When it comes to designing earthquake-proof structures, priority must be given to its ductility – the ability of a building to sway or bend without collapsing. Safety professionals recommend distributing the mass and strength in a structure to improve ductility. A building’s location is also crucial.

Q. What advantages does have wide columns and beams have when an earthquake strikes?

Answer. The wide beam connections dissipated almost as much energy as the conventional beam connection and had greater slab participation and less joint and beam shear cracking than the conventional beam connection.

Q. Which type of roofs gives better resistance against shocks?

Which type of roofs gives better resistance against shocks? Explanation: Flat, RCC roofs give better resistance against shocks compared to the sloping roofs or those designed with different slope angles.

Q. Which of the following factor does not influence the earthquake resistant design?

Which of the following factors does not influence earthquake resistance design? Explanation: As per IS 1893, it is assumed that earthquake is not likely to occur simultaneously with wind or maximum flood or maximum sea waves. 10.

Q. Which type of excavator carries the skimmer at its lower end?

________________ type of excavator carries Shovel at its lower end. Explanation: Power shovel excavator is used to dig at or above the operating level. It can handle loose rock and the material caught in the shovel can be suitably disposed off. 14.

Q. What are the types of excavators?

Different Excavator Types & Their Uses

  • Different types Excavator.
  • Crawler Excavators.
  • Dragline excavators.
  • Suction Excavators.
  • Skid steer excavators.
  • Long reach excavators.
  • Backhoe Excavators.
  • Power Shovel Excavators.

Q. What is the equipment used for short haul distance of 100 m?


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