Is Mr Cunningham a good person?

Is Mr Cunningham a good person?

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Atticus Finch is talking to daughter Scout (age 8) and son Jem about Mr. Atticus: Mr. Cunningham’s basically a good man. He just has his blind spots along with the rest of us.

Q. How old is Walter Cunningham astronaut?

89 years (March 16, 1932)

Q. Is Walter Cunningham married?

Personal data

Birthplace:Creston / Iowa
Marital status:married
Selection date:17.10.1963

Q. Who is Walter Cunningham?

Walter Cunningham, in full Ronnie Walter Cunningham, (born March 16, 1932, Creston, Iowa, U.S.), American astronaut and civilian participant in the Apollo 7 mission (October 11–22, 1968), in which the first crewed flight of Apollo Command and Service modules was made.

Q. Did Walter Cunningham go to the moon?

Creston, Iowa, U.S. Ronnie Walter Cunningham (born March 16, 1932) is an American retired astronaut. In 1968, he was a lunar module pilot on the Apollo 7 mission. Following the deaths of Donn F. Eisele in 1987 and Wally Schirra in 2007, Cunningham is the last surviving crew member of Apollo 7.

Q. Why can’t Walter Cunningham pass first grade?

Walter Cunningham is unable to complete the first grade because he must work in the fields in the spring and because of the deprivation from which he suffers.

Q. Why was scout beating up Walter?

In chapter 3 of To Kill a Mockingbird, Scout beats up Walter Cunningham because he got her in trouble. Luckily Jem is able to stop her. Jem asks Walter to “dinner” and puts molasses on his food. This was different for them to see because Walter has grown up with a poor family and is used eating that way.

Q. Why does Walter Cunningham not have a lunch?

Walter Cunningham doesn’t have a lunch because his family is too poor to provide him with one. We learn that he also comes to school barefoot because he doesn’t have any shoes. Scout says if he’d had a pair he would have worn them the first day and then come barefoot. He has hookworm.

Q. What is Miss Caroline afraid of?

In short, Miss Caroline was afraid of the head louse that crawled out of Burris Ewell’s hair. Miss Caroline tells Little Chuck that she sees something crawling in the student’s hair.

Q. What scares Miss Caroline in class and who came to her rescue?

A louse is a parasitic insect that feeds off of a human scalp. When Miss Caroline sees the louse, she jumps and screams in terror.

Q. Where does Scout threaten to drown herself?

Where does Calpurnia make Scout eat the rest of her dinner after she’s insulted Walter in Chapter 3? Where does Scout threaten to go and drown herself in Chapter 3? Barker’s Eddy.

Q. Why is Scout beating up Walter at the beginning of Chapter 3?

Why does scout beat up Walter Cunningham at the schoolyard? because he was one of the reasons scout had gotten in trouble..

Q. Are we poor Atticus?

He has no money.” “Are we poor, Atticus?” Atticus nodded. “We are indeed.” Jem’s nose wrinkled. The Cunninghams are country folks, farmers, and the crash hit them hardest.” Atticus said professional people were poor because the farmers were poor.

Q. What is Boo Radley’s real name?

Arthur Radley “Boo” Radley is a lonely man who attempts to reach out to Jem and Scout for love and friendship, such as leaving them small gifts and figures in a tree knothole.

Q. Why does Scout sit in kitchen at lunch?

Calpurnia wanted to point out that it was inappropriate to criticize company and that we should respect all people’s ways. Fortunately for Scout, Cal chose to do this privately. This is why she called Scout into the kitchen. She tried to scold Scout for this behavior privately.

Q. What bad news does Atticus bring home?

What bad news does Atticus bring home? The bad news is that Tom had attempted escape and had been killed by guards.

Q. Why does Calpurnia slap Scout?

Calpurnia lets Scout know that if she cannot treat Walter properly, she can eat inside the kitchen. After that, “Calpurnia [sends Scout] through the swinging door to the diningroom with a stinging smack.” Scout gets her plate to go back to the kitchen to eat.

Q. Why does Miss Caroline scream and point a finger at Burris Ewell?

What lesson does Calpurnia try to teach Scout about Walter? Why does Miss Caroline scream and point a finger at Burris Ewell? Scout has to mind her teacher and Atticus will continue reading with her each evening, so long she doesn’t say anything. Scout will continue going to school.

Q. Is Scout older than dill?

During lengthy descriptions of her ancestry, her father’s career, and the death of her mother, Scout reveals that Jem is four years older than she is. They meet Dill for the first time in chapter one, which covers the summer before Scout enters first grade in the fall.

Q. What two mistakes did Miss Caroline make on the first day of school?

What two mistakes did Miss Caroline make on the first day of school? Miss Caroline’s first mistake was to offer Walter Cunningham money; the Cunninghams don’t take anything they can’t pay back. Her second mistake was trying to tell Burris Ewell to go home and wash out his “cooties.”

Q. What is Miss Caroline talking about when she screams it’s alive?

Miss Caroline is a new teacher, and she is unaccustomed to Maycomb and the different people who live there. She notices something crawling in the hair of one of her pupils, Burris Ewell: “It’s alive!” she screamed. She suggests that he leave immediately and wash his hair with lye soap and kerosene.

Q. Why was Burris going to leave school and never come back?

Burris Ewell only came to school on the first day because his truancy officer required him to be in attendance one-day out of the school year. After Miss Caroline witnesses a “cootie” crawl out of Burris’ hair, she tells him to bathe before coming to school the next day.

Q. Why did Walter pour syrup all over his food?

Walter Cunningham pours syrup all over his vegetables and meat because he doesn’t know any better, he doesn’t know where his next meal will come from, and he rarely ever gets sweets. This represents the difference in social class between the Cunningham and Finch families.

Q. How did Miss Caroline react when Burris Ewell yelled at her?

After hearing her class explain the circumstances of Burris’s life at home, Miss Caroline asks the boy to sit back down. He defies her: “You try and make me, missus.” Miss Caroline then tells Burris again to go home, threatening to call the principal if he refuses.

Q. What was Scout’s punishment?

When Miss Caroline offers to lend Walter Cunningham lunch money, Scout is punished for taking it upon herself to explain Miss Caroline’s faux pas to her. (Walter refuses to take the money because his family is too poor to pay it back.)

Q. What did Burris Ewell say to Miss Caroline?

“And Burris,” said Miss Caroline, “please bathe yourself before you come back tomorrow.” The boy laughed rudely.

Q. What did Burris Ewell do to Miss Caroline?

In Chapter 3, Burris scares Miss Caroline when a “cootie” falls out of his hair in the middle of class. Miss Caroline is startled and frightened when the tiny bug crawls onto the floor.

Q. What is the conflict between Miss Caroline and scout?

Scout’s main conflict with Miss Caroline is that her teacher does not try to understand her or Maycomb before making a judgement. Miss Caroline’s problem with Scout is that she doesn’t understand her, and she is in way over her head. She is a new young teacher, “no more than twenty-one,” and she is new to Maycomb too.

Q. Why does Miss Caroline reprimands Scout?

List two reasons why Miss Caroline reprimands Scout. She knows how to read and write. When Scout tries to spare Walter Cunningham any further humiliation, what does Miss Caroline do to her? Hits her hand with a ruler and makes her stand in the corner.

Q. Why did Miss Caroline hit scout with a ruler?

Scout and Jem start school and Scout is especially happy about going to school. That was until her teacher, Miss Caroline, hit her with a ruler on her hand before the first morning was over. Miss Caroline didn’t like that Scout was literate and told her to tell Atticus not to teach her anymore.

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