Is it OK to question God?

Is it OK to question God?

HomeArticles, FAQIs it OK to question God?

“Don’t question God, just trust Him.” As they say – there’s nothing wrong with God’s Word. The problem lies in how we sometimes hear and understand it.

Q. What should I ask for in a prayer?

7 Things To Ask God For When You Don’t Know What You Need

  • Wisdom. “If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you.
  • Strength. “He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.” —
  • Guidance.
  • Confidence.
  • Courage.
  • Peace.
  • Freedom from fear.

Q. Can you ask God questions in heaven?

The Bible tells us in Revelation 22:3, 4 that when we get to Heaven God will be there and we will see His face. In heaven sin will be all gone so there won’t be anything to separate us from God which means that we will be able to talk to Him and ask Him any questions that we may have.

Q. What questions will God ask on Judgement day?

What Question will God Ask at the Judgment Seat?

  • What did you do with my Son, Jesus Christ? Did you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior? Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life.
  • Did you put Him first in your life? Who was first in your life?
  • What did you do with all the resources I gave you?

Q. Who will meet us at the gates of heaven?

The image of the gates in popular culture is a set of large gold, white or wrought-iron gates in the clouds, guarded by Saint Peter (the keeper of the “keys to the kingdom”). Those not fit to enter heaven are denied entrance at the gates, and descend into Hell.

Q. What are the gates of heaven?

The Bible describes the 12 gates of heaven as being made of pearls. Each individual gate is made of one single enormous pearl. Each gate has the name of one of the 12 tribes of Israel etched into it: Asher, Benjamin, Dan, Gad, Issachar, Joseph, Judah, Levi, Nephtali, Reubon, Simeon and Zebulun.

Q. What are the keys of the kingdom LDS?

The keys of the kingdom of God—the right and power of eternal presidency by which the earthly kingdom is governed—these keys, having first been revealed from heaven, are given by the spirit of revelation to each man who is both ordained an Apostle and set apart as a member of the Council of the Twelve.

Q. Does Drake have a key to the city?

Drake is one of Toronto’s biggest cultural ambassadors, and tomorrow at NBA All Star Weekend, he’ll receive the key to his city. Mayor John Tory made the announcement today in a series of tweets. According to the Toronto Star, Drake met with Tory in his office last week.

Q. Does Beyonce have a key to Houston?

September 17, 2018: August 21, 2018: Beyoncé and Jay-Z received the key to the city for their philanthropy work and impact on popular culture. May 20, 2019: Jesseca Dupart was awarded the key to the city to recognize the philanthropy and business she had contributed to in the area.

Q. What do you get with freedom of the city?

Freedom of the City is an ancient honour granted to martial organisations, allowing them the privilege to march into the city “with drums beating, colours flying, and bayonets fixed”. This honour dates back to ancient Rome which regarded the “pomerium”, the boundary of the city, as sacred.

Q. What does freedom of a town mean?

Freedom of the City is an honour given by a local council, for example, to either a person (civilian) or military unit, in recognition of their exceptional service to the City.

Q. Who has the freedom of London?

Prior to 1996, the Freedom was only open to British or Commonwealth Citizens. Now, however, it has been extended globally and persons of any nationality may be admitted either through nomination or by being presented by a Livery Company.

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Is it OK to question God?.
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