Is Half Life an intensive or extensive property?

Is Half Life an intensive or extensive property?

HomeArticles, FAQIs Half Life an intensive or extensive property?

List of Properties

Q. What is extensive property give example?

The extensive properties are defined as the properties which depends on the amount of matter present. Examples are volume, mass, internal energy etc. From the options give below, temperature, viscosity & molar heat capacity are intensive properties while internal energy is an extensive property.

Q. What are 5 examples of extensive properties?

Examples of extensive properties include:

  • amount of substance, n.
  • energy, E.
  • enthalpy, H.
  • entropy, S.
  • Gibbs energy, G.
  • heat capacity, C. p
  • Helmholtz energy, A or F.
  • internal energy, U.
Coordination numberChemicalIntensive

Q. Which is not extensive property?

Since refractive index is not dependent on the amount it is not an extensive property.

Q. Is energy an extensive property?

Energy, volume and enthalpy are all extensive properties. Their value depends on the mass of the system.

Q. Is entropy extensive property?

The internal energy is an extensive quantity. The temperature T is an intensive property, independent of the size of the system. It follows that the entropy S is an extensive property. In that sense the entropy resembles the volume of the system.

Q. Is viscosity an extensive property?

The viscosity does not change as the amount of matter changes and thus, it is an intensive property. Thus, viscosity is not an extensive property. Step 4: The ratio of mass to volume is known as density.

Q. Is combustibility an extensive property?

Then classify each property as physical or chemical….Property.

PropertyExtensive or Intensive PropertyPhysical or Chemical Property

Q. Is moles an extensive property?

Mass, volume, and moles are extensive properties.

Q. Is Weight intensive or extensive?

Extensive properties vary with the amount of the substance and include mass, weight, and volume. Intensive properties, in contrast, do not depend on the amount of the substance; they include color, melting point, boiling point, electrical conductivity, and physical state at a given temperature.

Q. What’s the difference between extensive and intensive properties?

All properties of matter are either extensive or intensive and either physical or chemical. Extensive properties, such as mass and volume, depend on the amount of matter that is being measured. Intensive properties, such as density and color, do not depend on the amount of matter.

Q. Why is specific volume an intensive property?

The mass depends on the volume and, in turn, the volume depends on the mass. Specific volume is an intensive property of the gas, as shown in our example. The specific volume of the original tank is the same as the specific volume in each half. The “specific” of specific volume simply means “divided by mass”.

Mass and volume are both examples of extensive physical properties.

Q. Is specific volume a property?

Specific volume is a property of materials, defined as the number of cubic meters occupied by one kilogram of a particular substance. Specific volume is inversely proportional to density. If the density of a substance doubles, its specific volume, as expressed in the same base units, is cut in half.

Q. What is the difference between volume and specific volume?

Volume is a thermodynamic property of a substance. Specific volume is the volume of a unit mass of a substance. The difference between volume and specific volume is that volume is an extensive property whereas specific volume is an intensive property.

Q. What is the use of specific volume?

Uses of Specific Volume It is used to make predictions about the behavior of gases when conditions change. Consider an airtight chamber containing a set number of molecules: If the chamber expands while the number of molecules remains constant, the gas density decreases and the specific volume increases.

Q. What is specific volume in psychrometric chart?

Specific volume of air in psychrometric chart is defined as the number of cubic meters occupied by one kilogram of a dry air. So units of specific volume is m3 kg-1.

Q. What is the symbol of specific volume?

Typically specific volume uses the symbol v. The density of a substance is defined as the mass per unit volume, and it is therefore the reciprocal of the specific volume. Density is designated by the symbol ρ. Specific volume and density are intensive properties.

Q. What is specific volume of soil?

Gs. is specific gravity of solid phase. V = 1 + e = specific volume = volume containing unit volume of solid material.

Q. What is specific volume of steam?

SPECIFIC VOLUME OF STEAM  The specific volume is the volume occupied by the unit mass of a substance . It is expressed in m³/kg . The volume of water and steam increase with the increase in temperature. Vsup = Specific volume of superheated steam at pressure P.

Q. What is the symbol of specific weight?

A common symbol for specific weight is γ, the Greek letter Gamma.

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Is Half Life an intensive or extensive property?.
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