Is Bangalore on the Deccan plateau?

Is Bangalore on the Deccan plateau?

HomeArticles, FAQIs Bangalore on the Deccan plateau?

The Deccan plateau is interesting to scientists (especially those who study rocks) because it was formed by lava flows. Millions of years ago, melted rock (lava) erupted from beneath the Earth’s surface and spilled out over the ground. The lava spread out and hardened into a layer of rock on the surface.

Q. Where is Deccan Plateau located?


Q. Where is the Ganges River located?

Q. In which state is Deccan Plateau located?

It extends over eight Indian states and encompasses a wide range of habitats, covering significant parts of Telangana, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Kerala and Tamil Nadu.

Q. Which is the longest river in Deccan plateau?

Godavari river

Bangalore lies in the southeast of the South Indian state of Karnataka. It is in the heart of the Mysore Plateau (a region of the larger Precambrian Deccan Plateau) at an average elevation of 920 m (3,020 ft). The region comprising the Bangalore Urban and Rural districts is known as the Bangalore (region).

Q. How Deccan Plateau is formed?

Q. How old is the Deccan plateau?

History. The Deccan Traps formed between 60 and 68 million years ago, at the end of the Cretaceous period. The bulk of the volcanic eruption occurred at the Western Ghats (near present-day Mumbai) some 66 million years ago. This series of eruptions may have lasted fewer than 30,000 years in total.

Q. What are the main features of Deccan Plateau?

Features of Deccan Plateau

  • The Deccan Plateau lies to the south of the Satpura Range and extends up to Cape Comorin.
  • The Deccan Plateau is composed of some of the oldest crystalline rocks.
  • The plateau gently slopes towards the east.
  • Its height varies from 300 meters to 900 meters above the sea level.

Q. What is shape of Deccan Plateau?

Complete answer:The Deccan Plateau is triangular in shape and it lies in western and southern India. It passes through almost eight indian states Telangana,Maharashtra,Karnataka,Tamil Nadu and Kerala.

Q. Which soil is found in Deccan plateau?

black soil

Q. Is Deccan Plateau triangular?

The Deccan Plateau is a triangular landmass that lies to the south of the river Narmada. The Satpura range flanks its broad base in the north, while the Mahadev, the Kaimur hills and the Maikal range form its eastern extensions.

Q. Why is Deccan Plateau moderately populated?

The Deccan Plateau is located in Southern India in-between two mountain ranges: the Western Ghats and the Eastern Ghats. The river valley areas of the plateau tend to be densely populated, as there is ample access to water and the climate is conducive to living.

Q. Which is the oldest plateau in the world?

Deccan plateau

Q. Is the Deccan plateau good for farming?

India’s early settlers farmed and later built walled settlements in the river valleys. This was the start of civilization in India. Deccan Plateau In some parts of this raised area between two mountain ranges in southern India, rich black soil is good for growing cotton.

Q. Which is the oldest plateau in India?

Q. What does Deccan mean?

Deccan means Southern part in ancient India, south of the Satpura and Vindhya ranges. Deccan includes the east and west coasts and plains, the plateau and mountain ranges of the ancient Southern India.

Q. Why does Deccan Plateau have black soil?

Because Deccan plateau has a sleeping volcano so soil present there is formed by the erosion of that volcanic rock. Therefore, Deccan plateau has black soil.

Q. Why is Peninsular plateau rich in black soil?

Answer. Deccan Plateau is made up of lava, due to the volcanic fissure erruption. The soil in this area is the weathered form of this lava rocks only. And this is the reason of their black color.

Q. Why are plateaus rich in minerals?

Plateaus are representatives of the ancient shield of earth crust. This ancient shield is formed due to volcanic eruptions and contains solidified magma. Magma is rich in mineral reserves which are important in present day. Hence, plateaus are rich in mineral deposits.

Q. How does the Deccan Plateau contribute to the Indian economy?

The Deccan plateau is the region which is rich in minerals and it makes India a mineral rich country. It led India into the list of industrially developed countries. Much of the India’s electricity needs are being satisfied by the hydro – power projects situated in peninsular rivers.

Q. What animals live in the Deccan plateau?

Although not exceptional in terms of endemism and diversity, this ecoregion harbors several of India’s large, threatened vertebrates such as the tiger (Panthera tigris), wild buffalo (Bubalus arnee), wild dog (Cuon alpinus), sloth bear (Melursus ursinus), chousingha (Tetracerus quadricornis), gaur (Bos gaurus).

Q. What are the advantages of plateaus?

Plateaus are important because of the following reasons:

  • Plateaus are storehouses of minerals.
  • Plateaus are also the source of several waterfalls.
  • The lava plateaus that are formed due to volcanic eruptions have black soil, which is suitable for cultivation.

Q. Why is Deccan Plateau of India rich in minerals?

The deccan plateau of India is rich in minerals because It is made up of very ancient, crystalline, hard, igneous and metamorphic rocks. Such rocks are rich in mineral resource.

Q. Are Minerals really rich?

1. Nuts and seeds. Nuts and seeds are packed with an array of minerals but particularly rich in magnesium, zinc, manganese, copper, selenium, and phosphorus ( 3 ). Certain nuts and seeds stand out for their mineral content.

Q. Which Plateau is rich minerals?

Chota Nagpur plateau

Q. Is the mineral rich plateau in India?

The plateau rich in minerals in India is Chhotanagpur Plateau. Chotanagpur plateau is called the storehouse of minerals due to the fact that it is rich in minerals like mica, bauxite, copper, limestone, iron ore and coal.

Q. Which plateau is the richest mineral deposits in India?

Q. How many plateau are there in India?


Q. Which mineral is abundant in India?

India’s major mineral resources include Coal (4th largest reserves in the world), Iron ore, Manganese ore (7th largest reserve in the world as in 2013), Mica, Bauxite (5th largest reserve in the world as in 2013), Chromite, Natural gas, Diamonds, Limestone and Thorium.

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