Is Article 17 available to foreigners?

Is Article 17 available to foreigners?

HomeArticles, FAQIs Article 17 available to foreigners?

The right is extended to all persons whether citizens or foreigners, statutory corporations, companies, registered societies or any other type of legal person.

Q. What is Article 17 in the Constitution?

Article 17. Abolition of Untouchability. -“Untouchability” is abolished and its practice in any form is forbidden. The enforcement of any disability arising out of “Untouchability” shall be an offence punishable in accordance with law.

Q. What is the importance of Article 17 of the Constitution?

The Article 17 of the Indian Constitution is important for the eradication of the practice of untouchability against the lower castes in the Indian society. Anyone still following or practising untouchability is considered as an offence which is punishable by law.

Q. Who can claim Article 19 of Constitution?

‘ – (1) Article 19 of the Constitution being confined to citizens, foreigners cannot claim any right thereunder’. der article 19 of the Constitution. cases upto 1965. to the fifndamental right of freedom of speech and expression and, therefore, .

Q. What are the six freedoms given in Article 19?

Article 19 of the Indian constitution mentions six freedoms that are available to the citizens of India: (a) Freedom of speech and expression (b) Freedom to assemble peacefully and without arms (c) Freedom to form Associations and Unions (d) Freedom to move freely throughout the territory of India (e) Freedom to reside …

Q. What is the meaning of Article 19?

the right to freedom of opinion and expression

Q. How many freedoms are there in Article 19?

six freedoms

Q. What are the rights under Article 19?

Article 19 They are: Freedom of speech and expression: The State guarantees freedom of speech and expression to every person of India. Freedom to assemble: The State guarantees every person the freedom to assemble peacefully without arms.

Q. Which article is freedom of speech?

Article 10 of the Human Rights Act: Freedom of expression Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers.

Q. Is freedom of speech a fundamental right?

Freedom of expression is a fundamental human right, enshrined in Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Q. How is freedom of speech and expression?

Article 19(1)(a) of Indian Constitution says that all citizens have the right to freedom of speech and expression. Freedom of Speech and expression means the right to express one’s own convictions and opinions freely by words of mouth, writing, printing, pictures or any other mode.

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Is Article 17 available to foreigners?.
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