Is a point where three or more edges meet?

Is a point where three or more edges meet?

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In elementary geometry, a face is a polygon on the boundary of a polyhedron. Other names for a polygonal face include side of a polyhedron, and tile of a Euclidean plane tessellation. For example, any of the six squares that bound a cube is a face of the cube.

Q. What kind of polyhedron whose base is a polygon and the lateral faces are triangles?


Q. What polygon has a base and triangular lateral faces intersecting at a common point called vertex?

Q. What is a polyhedron in which one face can be any polygon and the lateral faces are triangles that meet at a common vertex?

a polyhedron in which one face (the base) can be any polygon and the other faces (the lateral faces) are triangles that meet at a common vertex (called the vertex of the pyramid).

Q. How many lateral faces does a polyhedron have?

6 lateral faces

In solid geometry, a vertex is the point where three or more edges meet. In everyday terms, a vertex of a solid shape is a ‘corner’.

Q. What is a face of a polyhedron?

Q. What are polyhedrons give two examples?

Polyhedrons are solids with flat faces. Any 3-dimensional solid is a polyhedron if all of its sides are flat. Examples of real-world polyhedrons include soccer balls, prisms, bricks, houses, and pyramids. All of these shapes have flat sides.

Q. What 3d shape has one vertex?

A vertex is a corner where edges meet. The plural is vertices. For example a cube has eight vertices, a cone has one vertex and a sphere has none.

Q. What 3d shape has eight faces 12 edges and 6 vertices?


Q. What 3d shape has 3 faces 2 edges and 0 vertices?

Vertices, edges and faces

Cuboid6 (all rectangles)8
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