Is a dilation A transformation?

Is a dilation A transformation?

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A dilation (similarity transformation) is a transformation that changes the size of a figure. It requires a center point and a scale factor , k . The value of k determines whether the dilation is an enlargement or a reduction.

Q. Which transformation does not preserve angle?


Q. What type of transformation is not distance preserving?


Q. Which basic transformation preserves length and angles?

In general, when we rotate a shape about a point, we preserve length and angle measurement, so rotation is a rigid transformation.

Q. Which transformations are distance preserving transformations?

Rotations, translations, and reflections are distance-preserving transformations of the plane because for any two different points and in the plane, if is a rotation, translation, or reflection that maps and , .

Q. Does this transformation preserve distance and angle?

Rigid motion – A transformation that preserves distance and angle measure (the shapes are congruent, angles are congruent). Isometry – A transformation that preserves distance (the shapes are congruent).

Q. Do translations always preserve angle measures?

When you translate something in geometry, you’re simply moving it around. You don’t distort it in any way. If you translate a segment, it remains a segment, and its length doesn’t change. Similarly, if you translate an angle, the measure of the angle doesn’t change.

Q. Does a translation preserve angle measure?

Yes, translations are rigid transformations. They too preserve angle measure and segment length.

Q. What does preserving angle measure mean?

The angle preservation property means in particular that two circles tangent at the center of inversion are mapped onto two parallel lines. Two circles that cross at the center of inversion are mapped onto two intersecting straight lines.

Q. What are two parallel lines crossed by another line called?


Q. Does a glide reflection preserve angle measure?

A transformation that preserves distances is called an isometry. Because Isometries preserve distance, they also preserve angle measure perpendicularity, and parallelism.

Q. What does preserved mean in geometry?

preservation of properties

Q. What property is not preserved under a rotation?

Reflection does not preserve orientation. Dilation (scaling), rotation and translation (shift) do preserve it.

Q. What is not preserved under reflection?

Reflection is the way of projecting a mirror figure to the other side of the axis of symmetry. When reflection is done, like what we can observe in the mirrors, the properties that can be observed are parallelism, colinearity and angle measure. Orientation is not preserved.

Q. Is proportionality preserved under dilation?

In a dilation, the sides of the pre-image and the corresponding sides of the image are proportional. Hence it is also preserved.

Q. Does translation preserve distance?

Equal translations are translations over the same distance and in the same direction. Under a translation, the image of any line segment is a line segment that is equal in length and parallel to the object line segment. Translation preserves the distance between two points. Translation preserve length.

Q. Does reflection preserve length?

Since under a reflection, the figures remain congruent (same size and shape), a reflection is called a rigid transformation and is said to preserve length.

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