In which case does the wavelength emitted is minimum?

In which case does the wavelength emitted is minimum?

HomeArticles, FAQIn which case does the wavelength emitted is minimum?

If an electron jumps from higher energy level to lower energy level then, energy is released in the form of photons. So, if in a transition, energy released or absorbed is high then the wavelength is minimum.

Q. When an electron does transition from N 4 to N 2?

Explanation: Jump to second orbit leads to Balmer series. The jump from 4th orbit shall give rise to second line of Balmer series.

Q. When an electron in hydrogen atom is excited?

When an electron in hydrogen atom is excited, from its 4th to 5th stationary orbit, the change in angular momentum of electron is (Planck’s constant h=6.

Q. In which region of electromagnetic spectrum does the Lyman series?


Q. How do I identify Lyman series?

In physics and chemistry, the Lyman series is a hydrogen spectral series of transitions and resulting ultraviolet emission lines of the hydrogen atom as an electron goes from n ≥ 2 to n = 1 (where n is the principal quantum number), the lowest energy level of the electron.

Q. What is the shortest line of Balmer series?

Since 1˜ν=λ in units of cm, this converts to 364 nm as the shortest wavelength possible for the Balmer series.

Q. Which series has longest wavelength?

Balmer Series The longest wavelength is 656.3 nm. The second longest wavelength is 486.1 nm. And the third is 434.1 nm.

Q. Why Balmer series is visible?

The Balmer series is particularly useful in astronomy because the Balmer lines appear in numerous stellar objects due to the abundance of hydrogen in the universe, and therefore are commonly seen and relatively strong compared to lines from other elements.

Q. What is the Lyman Balmer and Paschen series?

The spectral line for the Lyman series is the transitions from n >= 2 to the n = 1 state, for Balmer series its from n >= 3 to the n = 2 state and the Paschen series are transitions from n >= 4 to n = 3 state. The radiation emitted in such a transition corresponds to the spectral line in the atomic spectra of H-atom.

Q. What is the value of 1 R Rydberg constant?

The value of the Rydberg constant R∞ is 10,973,731.56816 per metre.

Q. What is the meaning of Rydberg constant?

: a wave number characteristic of the atomic spectrum of each element equal to the constant factor in the wave-number formula for all the spectral series of the elements and having a value from 109,678 cm−1 for hydrogen to 109,737 cm−1 for the heaviest elements.

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In which case does the wavelength emitted is minimum?.
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