How much should a single person spend on food?

How much should a single person spend on food?

HomeArticles, FAQHow much should a single person spend on food?

Average Cost of Food Per Month for 1 Person How much should a single person spend on groceries? According to the latest USDA report the average adult male spends between $193 – $358 on groceries per month. The average adult female spends between $174 – $315.

Q. How much does the average American family of 4 spend on groceries?

In 2020, we spent an average of $777.75 on groceries a month, and our total grocery spend was 50.2 percent higher than in 2019. (But in 2019, we spent an average of $418.68 a month eating out, and that wasn’t really happening in 2020, so the money was reallocated.)

Q. What is a reasonable food budget for family of 4?

Monthly Grocery Budget

2 people$553
3 people$722
4 people$892
5 people$1,060

Q. How much does the average person spend on food per week?

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Americans report spending $151 on food per week on average. One in 10 Americans say they spend $300 or more per week and, at the other extreme, 8% spend less than $50.

Q. How much money does an average person spend on food per month?

That’s roughly $2,641 annually per person (based on the average 2.5 people in each household). The average cost of food per month for the typical American household is about $550….Average U.S. Household Food Budget of $6,602.

Total Food Budget for Average Household in the U.S.$6,602
Food at Home3,935

Q. How much does the average person spend on food per week UK 2020?

Average Food Costs. The average annual food cost for a typical UK household was around £5,028 in 2020 (based on the average 2.4 people per household), including £276 spent on non-alcoholic drinks. The average weekly food cost for the typical UK household is £97, up around 3% from 2019.

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