How does the monsoon rain affect the agricultural production of Nepal?

How does the monsoon rain affect the agricultural production of Nepal?

HomeArticles, FAQHow does the monsoon rain affect the agricultural production of Nepal?

Nepal’s agriculture is facing risks due to changes erratic monsoon rainfall and flooding. About 64% of cultivated areas are fully dependent on monsoon rainfall. Decline in rainfall from November to April adversely affects the winter and spacing crops. Rice yields are sensitive to climatic conditions.

Q. Is Monsoon a boon or bane for us justify your answer?

Answer. Monsoon is a boon because monsoon helps crops to grow, fill the dry oceans, rivers, lakes, ponds, seas with water, bring peace and cool the Earth after the dry summer etc. Monsoon is a bane because it causes floods, destruction, death, sufferings, makes people homeless etc.

Q. How is rainfall boon as well as curse for us?

Answer Expert Verified consider a ruppee coin , it has two faces like that , Rain is a two sided coin.It is boon as well as bane.It is boon for the farmers as they get high yield of crops and they also regulate the temperature of the surroundings.

Q. What monsoon means?

A monsoon is a seasonal change in the direction of the prevailing, or strongest, winds of a region. Monsoons cause wet and dry seasons throughout much of the tropics. Monsoons are most often associated with the Indian Ocean. Monsoons always blow from cold to warm regions.

Q. How is monsoon formed?

Water vapor condenses as air rises and cools in the ITCZ, forming clouds and falling as rain. The ITCZ can be seen from space as a band of clouds around the planet. This is where monsoon rainfall occurs.

Q. How are monsoon winds caused Class 7?

Answer: The uneven heating of land and sea water causes monsoon winds. In summer, land becomes warmer than the sea. This causes winds to flow from sea to land and brings moisture with them.

Q. How is a wind named Class 7?

Answer: Wind refers to air in motion. It is caused by the uneven heating of different parts of the earth by the sun.

Q. Why do we sneeze when we inhale?

When we inhale air containing dust particles, the particles get trapped in the hair present in nostrils. Sometimes, these particles may pass through the hair and enter the nasal cavity. They irritate the mucus lining of the nasal cavity, and as a result we sneeze.

Q. How is rainfall carried by the wind?

In a high-pressure area, weather is generally fair and winds typically light. LOW PRESSURE: When air warms, its molecules scatter. The air becomes lighter and rises. As the warm air is forced upward, water vapor condenses into clouds and rain, which can sometimes be heavy along the front.

Q. What is the work of wind class 7th?

Wind blowing in a desert carries and deposited sand from one place to another, in the form of low hill-like structures, called sand dunes, mushroom rocks and loess. The erosion hence gives it the shape resembling a mushroom. When the sand grains are very fine and light, the wind carries it over very long distances.

Q. What is Storm for Class 7th?

A storm is a disturbed state of environment creating severe weather conditions mainly high speed winds. A thunderstorm is a storm with sound and lightning and typically also heavy rain or hail. Thunderstorms develop in hot and humid areas.

Q. What is class3 wind?

Wind Class 2 turbines are for windier sites up to 8.5 m/s average, and are the most common class of wind turbines available. Wind Class Class 1 turbines are designed to cope with the tough operating conditions experienced at sites with average wind speeds above 8.5 m/s.

Q. What are the three types of wind class 7?

There are mainly three types of winds: Permanent Winds They blow constantly throughout the year in a particular direction. They are trade winds known as westerlies and easterlies. Seasonal Winds These kind of winds change their direction in different seasons.

Q. What Is Calm wind speed?

Beaufort Wind Scale 0 — Calm. less than 1 mph (0 m/s) Smoke rises vertically. 1 — Light air. 1 – 3 mph.

Q. What are the three different types of winds?

There are three main types of planetary winds – the trade winds, the westerlies and the easterlies.

Q. What are the 4 types of local winds?

There are 4 types of local winds we have discussed in class. Sea breezes, land breezes, mountain breezes, and valley breezes.

Q. Is Monsoon a local wind?

Monsoon winds are larger scale versions of land and sea breezes; they blow from the sea onto the land in summer and from the land onto the sea in winter. Monsoon winds occur where very hot summer lands are next to the sea. Thunderstorms are common during monsoons (Figure below).

Q. What are the local winds caused by?

All wind is caused by the uneven heating of Earth’s surface, which sets convection currents in motion, Convection currents on a large scale cause global winds; convection currents on a small scale cause local winds.

Q. Is Loo seasonal wind?

The Loo (Hindi: लू ) is a strong, dusty, gusty, hot and dry summer wind from the west which blows over the western Indo-Gangetic Plain region of North India and Pakistan. It is especially strong in the months of May and June.

Q. What is hot wind called?

Sirocco. A sirocco is a hot desert wind that blows northward from the Sahara toward the Mediterranean coast of Europe. More broadly, it is used for any kind of hot, oppressive wind.

Q. What is loo called in English?

A loo is a toilet. [British, informal]

Q. Why does the loo occur?

Loo winds originate over Iranian, Baloch and Thar deserts. In May and June, high temperature in northwest India builds steep pressure gradient. Hot, dust laden and strong wind known as loo blows. Loo normally starts blowing by 9.00 A.M., increases gradually and reaches maximum intensity in the afternoon.

Q. Does Uttar Pradesh suffer from loo?

Answer. Loo is the hot winds which blow from the west to the Indo-Gangetic Plain. Thus, it affects the North-Indian part mostly and Pakistan as well. This happens to occur in the summer months of May and June.

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