How does the Mariner decide who he tells his story to?

How does the Mariner decide who he tells his story to?

HomeArticles, FAQHow does the Mariner decide who he tells his story to?

The mariner tells his story to a random younger guy who’s on his way to attend a family wedding. This guest is actually outdoors and on his way into the wedding, and is a stranger to the mariner, who stops him to tell him the tale. The speaker of the poem calls this listener “The Wedding-Guest.”

Q. On what occasion does the Mariner tell his story?

on what occasion does the Mariner tell his story? Why do you think Coleridge chose this occasion for the poem? Wedding.

Table of Contents

  1. Q. On what occasion does the Mariner tell his story?
  2. Q. What event is happening as the Mariner tells his story?
  3. Q. What inspired The Rime of the Ancient Mariner?
  4. Q. What happens to the mariner in The Rime of the Ancient Mariner whenever he tells his tale?
  5. Q. Why does the Mariner tell his story to a wedding guest?
  6. Q. What good omen came to the ship?
  7. Q. What is the lesson of the tale that the Mariner preaches?
  8. Q. What happens when the Mariner tries to pray?
  9. Q. Why can’t the Mariner pray again did he ever change?
  10. Q. What can the Mariner not do?
  11. Q. What changes allow the mariner to pray?
  12. Q. What does the Mariner do to redeem himself?
  13. Q. Why does the Mariner think the hermit can forgive him?
  14. Q. What do we find out about the Mariner in part 7?
  15. Q. What does the Mariner say is better than a wedding feast?
  16. Q. When the ship suddenly sank the Mariner was saved?
  17. Q. What advice does the Mariner give to the wedding guest?
  18. Q. What is the first thing the Ancient Mariner says to the wedding guest?
  19. Q. How does the Mariner learn his lesson?
  20. Q. Why can the mariner now sleep is he forgiven?
  21. Q. How does the Mariner change throughout the story?
  22. Q. Why did the Mariner consider his act hellish?
  23. Q. What does the Mariner do to ask for forgiveness for killing the albatross?
  24. Q. Does the hermit forgive the Mariner?
  25. Q. What is symbolic of the Mariner’s forgiveness?
  26. Q. Which of the following is one of the main themes of The Rime of the Ancient Mariner?
  27. Q. Why is the Mariner doomed to wander the earth Unforgiven?
  28. Q. What you believe the albatross symbolizes and why the Mariner kills it?

Q. What event is happening as the Mariner tells his story?

Three guys are on the way to a wedding celebration when an old sailor (the Mariner) stops one of them at the door (we’ll call him the Wedding Guest). Using his hypnotic eyes to hold the attention of the Wedding Guest, he starts telling a story about a disastrous journey he took.

Q. What inspired The Rime of the Ancient Mariner?

The ancient mariner didn’t exist but it’s likely that Coleridge was inspired by a conversation with fellow poet William Wordsworth, who had recently read George Shelvocke’s A Voyage Round the World.

Q. What happens to the mariner in The Rime of the Ancient Mariner whenever he tells his tale?

What happens to the Mariner whenever he tells his tale? a. His soul is thrown into agony. His anguished soul at last finds relief.

Q. Why does the Mariner tell his story to a wedding guest?

The Ancient Mariner is compelled to tell his story. Telling his tale is part of his penance for killing the albatross. If you’re asking why he chooses the wedding guest and not someone else, the answer is that the wedding guest had something wrong with him that hearing the tale would fix.

Q. What good omen came to the ship?

In the 1996 Ridley Scott film White Squall, a fictionalized account of the Ocean Academy’s ship Albatross, the ship’s captain Christopher Sheldon makes mention of the albatross being a very good omen which “embodied the spirits of lost sailors”. “Only bad luck if you kill one,” he added.

Q. What is the lesson of the tale that the Mariner preaches?

From his experiences, the Mariner in “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” learns the lesson of loving and respecting God and all of his creations.

Q. What happens when the Mariner tries to pray?

The Mariner is unable to pray. What happens when the Mariner begins to pray? The Albatross fell off his neck and falls into the sea. The spell beings to break.

Q. Why can’t the Mariner pray again did he ever change?

The Mariner describes his efforts to pray as, surrounded by all the dead, he looks to heaven and wishes a prayer for him would issue forth. But he is unable to pray because the dead sailors at his feet, whose bodies have somehow not begun to rot–“Nor rot nor reek did they” (l.

Q. What can the Mariner not do?

Q. What changes allow the mariner to pray?

What does the Mariner do that causes him to be able to pray? He sees the snakes and blesses them.

Q. What does the Mariner do to redeem himself?

By going through this ordeal, the Mariner realized that it is those who love all creatures, no matter how big or small, that are the happiest, because God made all creatures. He earned his redemption with God by realizing that every life has value.

Q. Why does the Mariner think the hermit can forgive him?

The Mariner asks the Hermit to “shrieve” him (to absolve or forgive him) for his sin. The Hermit tells the Mariner to explain himself. As the Mariner begins his tale, he feels a great agony that remains until he has finished his tale. This is his confession which will bring him absolution.

Q. What do we find out about the Mariner in part 7?

Part 7: The Rime of the Ancient Mariner Analysis. In this seventh and last part of the poem, The Rime of The Ancient Mariner, the mariner says that the good hermit lived in the wood that stands on the slope of the Hill and slants down to the sea. He used to sing him hymns, in his sweet voice very loudly.

Q. What does the Mariner say is better than a wedding feast?

Much sweeter than a wedding feast, says the Mariner, is gathering for prayer. His final words are a lesson in optimizing prayer: “He prayeth well, who loveth well / Both man and bird and beast. / He prayeth best, who loveth best / All things both great and small,” since God loves us, and God made them all.

Q. When the ship suddenly sank the Mariner was saved?

The men saved the Ancient Mariner even though they thought he was dead; after all, he appeared “like one that hath been seven days drowned.” The boat spun in the whirlpool created by the ship’s sinking, and all was quiet save the loud sound echoing off of a hill.

Q. What advice does the Mariner give to the wedding guest?

What advice does the mariner give to the wedding guest? He advises the guest to love all creatures, because God created them and loves them.

Q. What is the first thing the Ancient Mariner says to the wedding guest?

What’s the first thing the ancient Mariner says to the Wedding Guest? “Listen, Stranger!”

Q. How does the Mariner learn his lesson?

He has learned to release his negative views, and by doing so, has set free the spirits of his dead shipmates. Their spirits rise, aiding the Mariner in his journey home, and guiding him to the Hermit. The Mariner has learned another lesson, forgiveness must be asked for, and it must also be earned.

Q. Why can the mariner now sleep is he forgiven?

It is because he sees the beauty in nature and has come to appreciate all living things as having value that he is able to pray, the albatross falls off his neck, and he is able to sleep.

Q. How does the Mariner change throughout the story?

The mariner evolves from one who disrespects nature and has no sense of consequences to become one that has learned to fear consequences through nature. Through harsh and torturous encounters the mariner is molded into a person who fears nature and is cautious with their actions.

Q. Why did the Mariner consider his act hellish?

In the poem ‘The Rime of the Ancient Mariner’ by Samuel Taylor Coleridge, the ancient mariner does the hellish thing of shooting the albatross with his cross-bow and killing it without any rhyme or reason. The sailors believed that the albatross was a messenger from God and its death would bring hardships upon them.

Q. What does the Mariner do to ask for forgiveness for killing the albatross?

Hover for more information. The Mariner is cursed, evidently by God, for killing the albatross for pure sport or amusement. When he finally manages to return to his home port aboard a ship manned by a ghostly crew, he meets a holy man he calls the Hermit who gives him forgiveness for his sin of killing the bird.

Q. Does the hermit forgive the Mariner?

The albatross fell from Mariner neck after he whispered a prayer and this is when the guilt that he had been carrying left him. Forgiveness is also evidence in the poem whereby the Mariner asks Hermit for forgiveness. However, the Mariner is forced to execute his penance in order to be forgiven of his sins by Hermit.

Q. What is symbolic of the Mariner’s forgiveness?

The theme of “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” is God’s forgiveness. The Mariner believes that God has forgiven him for his sins and is telling his tale to the young men on their way to a wedding.

Q. Which of the following is one of the main themes of The Rime of the Ancient Mariner?

Sin and repentance are the central themes of “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner.” The Mariner commits a terrible sin when he kills the albatross, one of God’s beloved creatures. He spends the rest of his life trying to atone for his sin through his suffering and humility.

Q. Why is the Mariner doomed to wander the earth Unforgiven?

The mariner is doomed to walk the earth forever because he has been “won” in the game of dice by Life In Death. His fellow sailors were “won” by Death.

Q. What you believe the albatross symbolizes and why the Mariner kills it?

The living albatross is a symbol of God’s creation and of innocence. The dead albatross is a symbol of sin. When the Mariner kills the albatross, the other sailors see this as a sign of bad luck and fear, rightfully, that their dangerous voyage will be cursed and run into trouble.

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