How does the garden help Tío Juan?

How does the garden help Tío Juan?

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When Tio Juan starts planting seeds in the garden, Gonzalo gets a whole new outlook on his uncle and his life. The planting of seeds by Tio Juan changes Gonzalo’s attitude about his life when he realizes that everyone is important and has something to contribute.

Q. What did Mr Myles plant in seedfolks?

Myles chooses the flower seeds exclusively, and he plants snapdragons, hollyhocks, and poppies. When he is done, Mr. Myles proudly surveys his work. Because of her resourcefulness, Nora has made it easy for Mr.

Q. Why did Mr Myles not ever talk to Nora even though she was his caretaker?

Why did Mr. Myles not ever talk to Nora even though she was his caretaker? Mr. Myles had as stroke so even if he wanted to, he couldn’t talk to Nora.

Q. Why does Mr Myles plant seeds in a barrel?

Because Mr. Myles is in a wheelchair, Nora (his nurse) does the initial work of preparing the soil for planting. First, she uses her pocketknife to cut holes in the bottom of the barrel. The holes are to allow for easy drainage of water.

Q. What does Gonzalo learn about Tio Juan?

Gonzalo is in the eighth grade and says that he can speak English fluently, unlike his mother’s uncle, Tio Juan. Gonzalo learned to speak English by watching TV and being on the playground.

Q. How does the garden itself become a metaphor for what happens among its members?

How does the garden itself become a metaphor for what happens among its members? In many ways, the garden becomes a symbol for the growth and understanding of the people who plant in it. As they each tend to the garden, something in them is tended as well.

Q. Why do you think Gonzalo was embarrassed by his father and his uncle?

Gonzalo is embarrassed by his father and uncle because they do not speak English. The language barrier makes it difficult for them to interact with others. Gonzalo realizes his family members will be viewed as strange because they seem lost and do not have the ability to communicate with the citizens of Cleveland.

Q. What helps Tio Juan change from a baby back into a man?

What helps Tio Juan change from a baby back into a man in Seedfolks? In Seedfolks, Tio Juan turns back into an adult through his family’s help and gardening. He had metaphorically turned into a baby because of immigration, alienation, and a language barrier.

Q. What does Gonzalo mean when he says the older you are the younger you get when you move to the United States?

Gonzalo tells us all about how his theory on age: “The older you are, the younger you get when you move to the United States” (4.1). This means that Gonzalo’s great uncle and dad act younger. And sometimes Gonzalo acts more like an adult.

Q. What is Curtis trying to show lateesha about his values and principles?

What is Curtis trying to show Lateesha about his values and principles? He has stopped thinking about himself and thinks about other people- he is becoming mature and responsible.

Q. Why does Curtis plant tomatoes in seedfolks?

Hover for more information. Curtis plants tomatoes in the lot in order to impress Lateesha, the girl he wants to marry. In due time, the tomatoes grow abundantly. Curtis also stops going about shirtless; his goal is to show Lateesha that he is a man of refinement, despite the fact that he has muscles.

Q. What is the theme of the story seedfolks?

The overriding theme of “Seedfolks” is the power of the individual to effect good in a society. Related themes include the challenge of community and the healing aspect of working with the land.

Q. Who is Kim in seedfolks?

Kim in Seedfolks is a nine-year-old girl from Vietnam whose father died before she was born. She is the first to start planting in the vacant lot in which Seedfolks is set.

Q. What is the conflict of seedfolks?

The major conflict of the novel occurs when 6 lima beans are planted in a gardening plot in Cleveland by a Vietnamese girl.

Q. Who is Maricela in seedfolks?

Maricela is a 16-year-old Mexican girl and one of the novel’s narrators. She’s pregnant and doesn’t want to be, but this is only one of the reasons Maricela feels alone, trapped, and hated.

Q. What ethnicity is Amir from seedfolks?


Q. How old is Virgil from seedfolks?

10 year-old

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How does the garden help Tío Juan?.
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