How does Prospero feel about Miranda and Ferdinand falling in love?

How does Prospero feel about Miranda and Ferdinand falling in love?

HomeArticles, FAQHow does Prospero feel about Miranda and Ferdinand falling in love?

Prospero tells Miranda to look upon Ferdinand, and Miranda, who has seen no humans in her life other than Prospero and Caliban, immediately falls in love. This man, he tells her, is a mere Caliban compared to other men. He explains that she simply doesn’t know any better because she has never seen any others.

Q. What decision do Ferdinand and Miranda make during their conversation?

What decision do Ferdinand and Miranda make during their conversation? They decide to get married. What does Caliban want Stephano to do for him? Caliban wants Stephano to help him kill him.

Q. What does Caliban promise to do for Stephano?

Caliban persuades Stephano that he should kill Prospero and become lord of the island. They plot to approach Prospero during his afternoon nap and brain him after taking his books. Caliban says that Stephano could take Prospero’s beautiful daughter as his queen of the island.

Q. What does Caliban promise to Stephano and Trinculo?

Summary. Caliban, Trinculo, and Stephano continue to drink and wander about the island. Stephano now refers to Caliban as “servant monster” and repeatedly orders him to drink. Stephano has now assumed the title of Lord of the Island and he promises to hang Trinculo if Trinculo should mock his servant monster.

Q. What do Ferdinand and Miranda agree to do at the end of Act III Scene I of The Tempest?

What do Ferdinand and Miranda agree to do at the end of Act III, Scene i, of The Tempest? They agree to tell Prospero that Ferdinand is heir to a kingdom. They agree to search for more survivors of the shipwreck.

Q. What curses does Caliban shower on Prospero?

What curses does Caliban shower upon Prospero? Ans: Caliban detests Prospero more than anything. He is terrified of Prospero as last tortured him so as to tame him. In this monologue he doesn’t keep down anything.

Q. Why does trinculo want to hide himself?

Why did Trinculo decide to hide under the cloak? He is frightened by the storm and is also interested in Caliban; he thinks he could bring him to England to be in a freak show.

Q. Who does Caliban suggest as king of the island?


Q. Who is Trinculo Where is he now?

Trinculo is a jester. He is speaking under Caliban’s cloak. He is under his cloak to save himself from the storm. 2.

Q. Who is Trinculo Where is he now why does he want to hide himself?

Answer. Answer: Caliban, he thinks, would bring him a lot of money in England. Thunder sounds again and Trinculo decides that the best shelter in sight is beneath Caliban’s cloak, and so he joins the man-monster there.

Q. Why does trinculo want to hide his head where does he do that?

The four-legged Monster In this scene Caliban hides under his gabardine because he thinks Prospero has sent spirits to torment him for being too slow. Trinculo thinks a storm is brewing again and is looking for shelter. He decides he has no choice but to crawl under the gabardine despite the horrible smell.

Q. Where does trinculo hide himself?

Trinculo hides under Caliban’s cloak with him.

Q. What does Caliban think trinculo is?

Caliban thinks Trinculo is a spirit; Trinculo thinks Caliban is either a man or a fish that looks as if it had been struck by lightening; and Stephano thinks that Trinculo and Caliban are a 4 legged, 2 headed monster that lives on the island.

Q. What does Sebastian say is Alonso’s fault?

Basically, he blames it on Alonso’s choice in who his daughter should marry. The royal party has been shipwrecked on their way back from the wedding of Alonso’s daughter in Africa. Because of this, Sebastian says that Alonso should have chosen a European for his daughter’s husband.

Q. What Behaviour of Stephano is amusing?

Answer: When Stephano encounters Caliban for the first time, why is his reaction so interesting, and how is it related to language? It is interesting because it was a language that resembles other languages.In one or two sentences, write down the gist, or main point, of this study.

Q. What does Caliban promise to do for Stephano and Trinculo?

Caliban seems happy to obey. The men begin to quarrel, mostly in jest, in their drunkenness. Stephano has now assumed the title of Lord of the Island and he promises to hang Trinculo if Trinculo should mock his servant monster.

Q. What does Stephano plan to do with Caliban?

The plan Stephano, Trinculo and (mostly) Caliban formulate is to wait for Prospero to take his afternoon sleep, then steal his magic books so he cannot fight back. He is weak without them. They then plan to cut his ‘wezand’ (throat), drive a stake through his heart or beat him to death.

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How does Prospero feel about Miranda and Ferdinand falling in love?.
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