How do you find geocaches?

How do you find geocaches?

HomeArticles, FAQHow do you find geocaches?

Go to to choose one of millions of geocaches hidden worldwide. Use your smartphone app or GPS to navigate to the cache. Keep an eye out so you can spy the cache’s camouflaged hiding place. Once you find the cache, sign the logbook, exchange one item and put everything back like you found it.

Q. How do I plan a geocache event?

How to Host a Geocaching Event

  1. Location, Location, Location. The first thing to think about is WHERE to have the event.
  2. Date. Choose your date and time, and remember that events MUST be posted a minimum of 2 weeks prior to the event.
  3. Theme.
  4. Write a helpful description.
  5. Don’t forget to HAVE FUN!

Q. What should be included in a geocache?

Keep your GPS or smartphone charged when going for hikes far away from any outlets.

  1. SWAG for trading. SWAG = stuff we all get.
  2. Extra logbooks and pencils. Yes, it’s the cache owner’s responsibility to maintain their caches.
  3. Snacks and water.
  4. Sunscreen. ‘
  5. Bug spray.
  6. Rain gear.
  7. Tools of the Trade — TOTT.
  8. Flashlight.

Q. What does the symbols mean in geocaching?

The ghost is a virtual cache, meaning that you need to take a picture of yourself to get the cache. Green is a normal cache. Red is an event cache. Blue I believe is where you do research on the geography of the location and yellow is a multi cache.

Q. How do I find my mystery cache?

Some helpful tips to get started:

  1. Start with Mystery/Puzzle Caches with low difficulty ratings.
  2. Solve puzzles based on something you’re familiar with.
  3. Find a partner who is good at things you struggle with.
  4. Use a PC or laptop rather than your phone.
  5. Google and other search engines are your friend.

Q. How do you solve a geocache puzzle?

Tips for solving puzzle caches

  1. Look for patterns.
  2. Study the ‘fake’ coordinates.
  3. Substitutions.
  4. Learn about ciphers.
  5. Other coordinate systems.
  6. Picture speaks a thousand words.
  7. Go to the source.
  8. Confirm your answer.
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How do you find geocaches?.
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