How do the pilgrims respond to his proposal?

How do the pilgrims respond to his proposal?

HomeArticles, FAQHow do the pilgrims respond to his proposal?

In everything. The pilgrims therefore responded very favourably to this suggestion, and in fact were pleased to let the host assume control of both this storytelling competition and also the other arrangements that needed to be dealt with on their journey as they made their way.

Q. Why did the Pilgrims agree to tell tales during the journey?

In The Canterbury Tales, the pilgrims agree to tell tales during the journey to. preserve their stories for the future. win a free meal and entertain one another.

Q. What is the moral lesson of the Canterbury Tales?

Some of the lessons are love conquers all, lust only gets you in trouble, religion and morality is virtuous, and honor and honesty is valued. Although there are some contradictory stories, Chaucer kept to this set of morals through most of his tales.

Q. How many tales will each pilgrim tell on the journey?

four tales

Q. What was the reward for winning the storytelling contest?

In Geoffrey Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales, the prize for telling the best tale on their pilgrimage was a free dinner, paid for by all who are going on the journey to Canterbury.

Q. What is the moral lesson of the Wife of Bath’s Tale?

The Wife of Bath’s Tale’s Lesson The moral of this tale is that “women want to be in charge of their men,” as shown by the old hag in the tale. After almost a year of searching for the answer of what women want the most, the knight has given up and accepted his fate.

Q. What is the Wife of Bath’s appearance?

With broad hips, a big butt, and a hat as big as a boat, she takes up a lot of space in the pilgrimage and in the poem as a whole. The Wife is dressed expensively in scarlet stockings and shoes of soft, new leather, and she has a penchant for fine, large headgear that Chaucer estimates weighs about ten pounds.

Q. How many husbands has the wife had since the age of twelve?

five husbands

Q. What was wrong with the Wife of Bath’s second to last husband?

women in the know are able to control their husbands and that is the natural order in a marriage. What was wrong with the second to last husband? He cheated on her. He beat her.

Q. What did her fourth husband do?

What did her fourth husband do? He kept a lover, but one day died on a pilgrimage. He encouraged her work as a seamstress and bought her a store. He disappeared one day and after three years she got their marriage annulled.

Q. How did the Wife of Bath’s fourth husband died?

The Wife of Bath begins her description of her two “bad” husbands. Realizing that she has digressed, she returns to the story of her fourth husband. She confesses that she was his purgatory on Earth, always trying to make him jealous. He died while she was on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem.

Q. What question must the Knight answer to save his life?

What must the knight do to save his life? To answer the question “What is the thing that women most desire?” How long does the knight have to find an answer? The old woman tells the tale of Midas.

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How do the pilgrims respond to his proposal?.
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