Had there been no Himalayas what would have been the winter climate in North India?

Had there been no Himalayas what would have been the winter climate in North India?

HomeArticles, FAQHad there been no Himalayas what would have been the winter climate in North India?

Himalayas bifurcates the streams into two branches, of which southern branch enters North India and gives much needed winter rainfall over the North-west region. Thus, had there been no Himalaya the winter climate in North India would have been very cold and dry and there were no rainfall in winter.

Q. What would happen if there are no Himalayan ranges in the atmosphere?

In winter, it blocks the cold polar air blowing southwards from Central Asia from entering India, thus keeping India 3° to 8°C warmer than the regions of similar cold latitudes in Asia. Had there been no Himalayas, extremely cold and dry winds would have entered India.

Q. What problems would India face if the Himalayas did not exist?

There would have been lack of snow fed rivers in the Northern India as most of them arise due to the melting of snow in Himalayas. There would be shortage of water in the Northern India. There will be a change in the rate of tourism. There would have been a great different in the climate.

Q. Why do some areas in India receives winter rainfall?

REASON: The winter rainfall in India occurs due to North East monsoon. Hint: The northwestern part of India receives rainfalls in winter from the disturbances of the Mediterranean Sea. The north east monsoon winds bring post monsoon rains in states like Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh.

Q. What is the importance of winter in India?

In India, winters hold great importance. In addition, the essence it has is admired by many people. Winters give you the time to indulge in various activities like snowball fighting, building snowmen, ice hockey and more.

Q. Which are the wettest place in India?


Q. Why is the rainfall concentrated for few months only?

Most of the rain is concentrated from july to september only. During retreat of monsoon these phenomenon change n high pressure being created on plains, thus these south west monsoons winds start retreating in the month of september, thus rainfall in India is concentrated in the few months of july to september.

Q. Which part of India does experience the highest?

8. Which part of India does experience the highest diurnal range of temperature and Why ? Ans. The Thar desert region of Rajasthan experiences the highest diurnal range of temperature because it is in the interior part where the contrasts in temperature are very high.

Q. What are the bulk of rainfall in India is concentrated over a few months?

The bulk of rainfall in India is received during the four months of the rainy season i.e. June, July, August and September. This is the period of South-West Monsoons blowing from sea to land. These sea to land Winds are the rain giver, as these moisture-laden winds are on-shore winds.

Q. Why does the rainfall decrease from east to west?

Answer: Rainfall decreases from the east to the west in Northern India because there is a decrease in the moisture of the winds. Consequently, states like Gujarat and Rajasthan in western India get very little rainfall.

Q. Why do rainfall decreases from east to west in northern India?

The rainfall decreases from east to west in Northern India because the Bay of Bengal branch of Southwest monsoon moves towards north east carrying more moisture and they give heavy rainfall in this region. Hence, the bulk of rainfall in India is concentrated over a few months that is mainly from June to September.

Q. What is seasonal reversal of winds?

A monsoon is a seasonal reversal in wind patterns over a region. The word “monsoon” comes from the Arabic word mausim, meaning “season.” The seasonal wind shift is usually accompanied by a dramatic change in precipitation.

Q. What is known as October heat?

What is October heat? The term October heat refers to the post-monsoon, pre-winter rise in temperatures across the nation. During the southwest monsoon, most parts of India cool down due to precipitation (rainfall), increased moisture, cloud cover, and sea winds in coastal areas.

Q. Is October hot or cold?

Most major American cities enjoy mild weather during October. Daytime high temperatures are typically 60 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit (16 to 27 degrees Celsius) and the nights always average above freezing. Average October temperatures for US cities.

Q. Why is October so hot in Mumbai?

October heat is a fact of Mumbai’s annual rhythm. The Met office explained the unusual heat as the result of southwest monsoon weakening/withdrawing or the northeast monsoon not setting in on schedule, and so on.

Q. Which is the hottest month in Mumbai?


Q. Is Mumbai getting hotter?

Mumbai recorded its hottest day of this season on Saturday, with the India Meteorological Department’s (IMD’s) automatic weather station in Santacruz recording a maximum temperature of 40.9 degrees Celsius, which is 7.7 degrees above normal.

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Had there been no Himalayas what would have been the winter climate in North India?.
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