Does German Have subjunctive?

Does German Have subjunctive?

HomeArticles, FAQDoes German Have subjunctive?

German has two forms of the subjunctive: subjunctive I, which this unit covers and which relates to indirect discourse and some special uses; and subjunctive II, which deals with conditional sentences and which is covered in Unit 15.

Q. How do you form Konjunktiv 2?

Whereas Konjunktiv II is formed from the stem of its imperfect conjugation, here we use the present tense stem and then add the same endings as with earlier. Luckily for us, this applies to every verb save one, sein, which was always going to be doing something different, let’s face it.

Q. Will conjugation in German?

Der Hund will spazieren gehen….The verb ‘wollen’

es willit wants to
wir wollenwe want to
ihr wolltyou want to (plural, informal)
Sie wollenyou want to (singular or plural, formal)

Q. How do you use the subjunctive in German?

The Subjunctive I is almost always found in the third-person form: er habe (he has), sie sei (she is), er komme (he’s coming), or sie wisse (she knows). This -e ending (except for “to be”) rather than the normal -t ending in the German third person is your clue to indirect quotation.

Q. What is German Konjunktiv?

Introduction. We can use the subjunctive mood, Konjunktiv in German, to express unreal situations such as wishes, hypothetical situations and unreal conditional clauses, or to repeating what people say in indirect speech.

Q. How do you use wurde in German?

As an auxiliary verb, werden can “help” other verbs express hypotheticals and events in the future, as well as form the passive. When used as a full verb, werden means “to become” or “to turn into”….Simple Past Tense (Präteritum) Werden Conjugation.


Q. What tense is hatte in German?

Past Perfect Tense

Q. What is the meaning of werden in German?

to become

Q. What is Trennbare Verben in German?

Introduction. Separable verbs (Trennbare Verben) and inseparable verbs (Untrennbare Verben) in German are verbs whose meaning is altered by the addition of a prefix. Prefixes that are separable are separated from their verb in the conjugated form e.g. anstehen – ich stehe an (to queue – I queue).

Q. What are German modal verbs?

The modal verbs in German are dürfen (be allowed to/may), können (be able to/can), mögen (to like/may), müssen (to have to/must), sollen (to ought to/should) and wollen (to want to). Modal verbs express ability, necessity, obligation, permission or possibility.

Q. What type of verb is einkaufen?

Separable verbs (1)

prefix +verb= new verb
fern +sehen= fernsehen
ein +kaufen= einkaufen

Q. Does English have separable verbs?

Many English verbs can be followed by prepositions or adverb particles. Phrasal verbs made with adverb particles are usually separable. As the name itself indicates the two parts of a separable phrasal verb are separable. The particle in a separable phrasal verb can go before or after noun objects.

Q. What verb tense is has never been?

present perfect tense

Q. Are there phrasal verbs in German?

There is not such a concept as the phrasal verbs in German. Closest to this may be the concept of a Partikelverb, known as a composition of a verb with other compounds such as a preposition, a noun, another verb, or an adjective.

Q. What is the past perfect tense of went?


past perfectⓘ pluperfect subjunctive
youhad gone
he, she, ithad gone
wehad gone
youhad gone

Q. Is go past present or future?

Go verb forms

InfinitivePresent ParticiplePast Tense

Q. When to use have had together in a sentence?

We use have had in the present perfect when the main verb is also “have”:

  • I’m not feeling well. I have had a headache all day.
  • She has had three children in the past five years.
  • We have had some problems with our computer systems recently.
  • He has had two surgeries on his back.

Q. Has been or had been?

“Had been” is used to mean that something happened in the past and has already ended. “Have been” and “has been” are used to mean that something began in the past and has lasted into the present time.

Q. What is the difference between had and have had?

You use past tense for something that occurred in a known time in the past, which is not the case here. The second one, with “have had,” which is correct, is in the present perfect tense, which describes an event that has occurred in an undefined time in the past and is still relevant now.

Q. Where we use have had?

Had had is the past perfect form of have when it is used as a main verb to describe our experiences and actions. We use the past perfect when we are talking about the past and want to refer back to an earlier past time, Madiini.

Q. What should I use instead of had?

What is another word for had?


Q. Is it correct to say I have had?

“Have had” is using the verb have in the present perfect tense. Consider the present tense sentence: I have a lot of homework. On the other hand, we use the present perfect tense to describe an event from the past that has some connection to the present.

Q. Did you have or had?

1 Answer. “Had” is not the appropriate tense to use in this case: you must use “have”. The grammatically correct form of your sentence would be “Did you already have the opportunity to do something?” Otherwise, your sentence is just fine.

Q. Did she have or had?

‘has’ is 3rd-person PRESENT tense only. ‘have’ is 3rd-person PAST tense. DID is PAST tense, hence use have.

Q. Did u eat your lunch?

-Did you eat your lunch? Both are correct. Have you eaten your lunch? is more common when the intent is to have lunch together at 3 if he hasn’t eaten his lunch yet.

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