Does frog show retrogressive metamorphosis?

Does frog show retrogressive metamorphosis?

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Metamorphosis is a biological process in which certain species of living organisms undergo havoc change in their physical appearance. e.g. mosquitoes lay eggs, it hatches & become larvae, which changes into pupa& then finally becomes an adult. Example of retrogressive metamorphosis is frog.

Q. What is the example of retrogressive metamorphosis?

‘Retrogressive metamorphosis’ means degenerative changes wherein an active larva transforms into a sedentary adult. For example, in Urochordata, the larva bears all advanced characters of Chordata but after metamorphosis, the adult loses its chordate characters.

Q. In which animals retrogressive metamorphosis is found?

Retrogressive metamorphosis is the characteristics of Ascidians (Urochordates or tunicata). When an organism changes from a very advanced form to its primitive form then it is called retrogressive metamorphosis. In Ascidians, a progressive and active larva metamorphoses into a primitive sedentary adult.

Q. Is retrogressive metamorphosis found in Cephalochordates?

Retrogressive metamorphosis is an attribute of urochordata in which an aquatic, free swimming larva with notochord transforms into an adult sessile, non chordate. Ascidia, Salpa and Doliolum are typical examples of Urochordata. The branchiostoma is a Cephalochordate, and the hemichordate animal is Balanoglossus.

Q. What is the retrogressive metamorphosis in Herdmania?

During metamorphosis the larva will loose all the chordate characters and attains an invertebrate like form. This type of metamorphosis, where highly advanced larval form ends in a lowly organised adult is called retrogressive metamorphosis.

Q. What is the difference between metamorphosis and retrogressive metamorphosis?

Metamorphosis is a term used in biology to describe a transition in shape, structure, or function. Even the transformation of spermatid into motile sperm is a type of metamorphosis. Retrogressive metamorphosis occurs when an aquatic, free-swimming larva with notochord transforms into a sessile, non chordate adult.

Q. Does echinoderms show retrogressive metamorphosis?

All the larval of echinoderms have a bilateral symmetry. Hence it is believed that the ancestor of echinoderms was a bilaterally symmetrical animal. Hence during Metamorphosis the advanced larva becomes a primitive adult. Hence the Metamorphosis is Retrogressive.

Q. What do you understand by metamorphosis explain with an example Give one example of retrogressive metamorphosis?

Q. What happens during retrogressive metamorphosis?

Retrogressive metamorphosis is a type of metamorphosis seen in Herdmania (and other urochordates). It involves transformation of an active, free swimming larva with advanced characters into sedentary and simple adult. So in retrogressive metamorphosis, retrogression or degeneration is shown by larva to form adult.

Q. What do you understand by retrogressive metamorphosis explain this phenomenon with reference to the life history of an Ascidian?

Retrogressive metamorphosis is characteristic of ascidians (Urochordata or Tuncicata). It is given this name because here a progressive, active and alert larva metamorphoses into a retrograde and sedentary adult.

Q. What is the retrogressive metamorphosis explain in Ascidian tadpole larva?

Retrogressive metamorphosis is characteristic of ascidians (Urochordata or Tuncicata). It is given this name because here a progressive, active and alert larva metamorphoses into a retrograde and sedentary adult. Most of these characters are lost or become degenerate as the active larva metamorphosis’s.

Q. How is retrogressive metamorphosis different from the juvenile stage?

Retrogressive Metamorphosis Metamorphosis is a change from the juvenile to adult stage in which larval stage is quite different from the adult stage. In retrogressive metamorphosis the larva possesses advanced characters which are lost during the development and the adult is either sedentary or degenerated with primitive characters.

Q. Why does retrogressive metamorphosis occur in Herdmania or ascidian?

It is probably due to the sedentary mode of life of the adult. Retrogressive Metamorphosis in herdmania or Ascidian follows disappearing of certain advanced characters of well developed larva towards the simplification of its organization.

Q. What kind of crustaceans show retrogressive metamorphosis?

Parasitic crustaceans, like Sacculina and copepod parasites and stylopids and scale insects (Insecta) also show retrogressive metamorphosis. The tadpole larva of Herdmania is only 1-2 mm long when it hatches out of the egg.

Q. What happens to the digestive system during retrogressive metamorphosis?

During metamorphosis besides retrogressive changes, certain progressive changes also take place. The neural gland is formed by the ciliated diverticula which have its origin from the anterior part of the pharynx. The pharynx enlarges and the number of gill slits is also increased. The stomach and intestine also grow in size.

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Does frog show retrogressive metamorphosis?.
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