Does Frodo become evil?

Does Frodo become evil?

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He did. So once the ring was destroyed, he could never fully recover. Exactly as the council warned, everything done with the ring turned to evil– and Frodo used the ring on Gollum outside of Mount Doom.

Q. Why is Frodo chosen to carry the ring?

The ring had the power to corrupt a person. So taking the ring to the mountain was itself a very hard task to achieve. While fighting over the ring, Frodo was the one who stepped forward to volunteer in carrying the ring to the mountain where it was forged. Everybody then decided to let him carry the ring.

Q. Why was Frodo so special?

Taken from Letter 192: Frodo deserved all honour because he spent every drop of his power of will and body, and that was just sufficient to bring him to the destined point, and no further. Few others, possibly no others of his time, would have got so far.

Q. Who is the most important character in Lord of the Rings?


Q. Why is Frodo Baggins a hero?

Frodo became a hero because he saved Middle Earth, bore the burden of the One Ring, and gave up his life to save the good in his world. Frodo was a ring bearer and he bore the greatest of all burdens, the One Ring. He did not have to take the burden of the ring upon himself, yet he did.

Q. Why was Frodo so weak?

He had native hobbit-resilience and great strength of character. Bilbo and Gandalf thought he was “the best hobbit in the Shire.” His physical strength gave out at the very end after weeks of extremely difficult travel carrying a heavy burden with insufficient food and water, and having been stabbed and beaten earlier.

Q. Why do Elvish blades glow blue?

Gandalf says that Sting is of Elvish make, which means it will glow blue when orcs or Goblins nearby. Gandalf and Thorin’s swords came from the same place but they didn’t glow in the Goblin cave.

Q. Why does orcrist not glow?

As in the novel, Orcrist is shown in the extended edition of the film to be buried with Thorin. While it is an Elvish sword, it does not appear to glow blue (or glow at all, for that matter) when Thorin is in the presence of Orcs in the film. This reflects the fact that Glamdring did not glow in the films as well.

Q. What sword does Aragorn use?


Q. Why was Aragorn so old?

The royal blood that flows through the veins of the Dúnedain allows them to live three times as long as normal Men. Aragorn’s heritage is the reason for his longevity, and he’s not the only Lord of the Rings character to benefit from being one of the Dúnedain.

Q. Does Eowyn marry Faramir?

After the demise of Sauron, Éowyn and Faramir marry and settle in Ithilien, of which Faramir is made the ruling Prince by Aragorn. Faramir and Éowyn have a son, Elboron.

Q. What did Eowyn say to Aragorn?

It literally means ‘be thou well, Aragorn’. So she’s just wishing him to be ok.

Q. Did Eowyn become Queen of Rohan?

Eomer was always next in line to be king, however if he and Theoden had both died in combat, the title would have fallen to Eowyn. Fortunately Eomer did make it and claimed the title as the King of Rohan. Meanwhile, Eowyn marries Faramir.

Q. How did Aragorn heal Eowyn?

Eowyn was poisoned by the black breath of the Nazgul. Aragorn healed her. Paulo Pereira, Tolkien reader for over thirty years.

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