Does eBay refund if item is damaged?

Does eBay refund if item is damaged?

HomeArticles, FAQDoes eBay refund if item is damaged?

If the item is damaged, faulty, or doesn’t match the listing description, they’re covered by the eBay Money Back Guarantee, and you’ll have to refund them or replace the item, even if you don’t offer returns. Learn how to handle a payment dispute on an eBay transaction if you’re a managed payments seller.

Q. How do I contact eBay about a damaged item?

Start a return

  1. Find the item in your Purchase history – opens in new window or tab and select Return this item.
  2. Select your reason for the return.
  3. If the item arrived damaged, broken, or faulty, you have the option to add up to 10 pictures showing any scratches or defects.
  4. Select Send.

Q. Does eBay cover damaged packages?

Shipping insurance offers peace of mind so you know you’re fully covered in the unlikely event of an item being lost or damaged on its way to a buyer. USPS Priority Mail automatically covers packages that are damaged or lost up to a value of $50 for all eBay sellers.

Q. What do I do if my item arrived damaged?

4 Things to Do if Your Package Arrives Damaged

  1. Examine the item (thoroughly) As soon as you receive a dented box or open a package only to discover broken merchandise, get to work.
  2. Contact the retailer (quickly)
  3. Unpack the issue (calmly)
  4. Read return policies (proactively)

Q. Who is responsible if package is damaged?

Seller is responsible for getting it to the buyer. Exceptions are bad address or buyer refusing to sign. If damaged, the post office supplies some insurance on Priority Mail.

Q. How long do I have to report damaged goods?

Within six months – proving fault is easier. If you return goods before six months and the dispute went to court, it would be for the store to prove the goods weren’t faulty when you bought them. After that, it’s for you to prove they were. So the burden of proof is far easier in under six months.

Q. What are my rights on damaged goods?

Something faulty? You can get a full refund within 30 days. This is a nice new addition to our statutory rights. The Consumer Rights Act 2015 changed our right to reject something faulty, and be entitled to a full refund in most cases, from a reasonable time to a fixed period (in most cases) of 30 days.

Q. Can I get a refund for a faulty item?

How long do I have to return faulty goods? You have the right to reject your item and get a refund within 30 days of possessing the goods. You could also ask the retailer to repair or replace your item within six months of purchase.

Q. Do I have to accept a replacement for faulty goods?

If something’s gone wrong with an item you’ve bought, you may be entitled to a refund, repair or replacement. It doesn’t matter whether you bought the item new or secondhand – you’ll still have rights. You’ll have legal rights if the item you bought is: broken or damaged (‘not of satisfactory quality’)

Q. In what circumstances is a seller allowed to refuse a refund?

A business can refuse to give you a free repair, replacement or refund if: you simply changed your mind. you misused the product or service in a way that contributed to the problem. you asked for a service to be done in a certain way against the advice of the business, or were unclear about what you wanted.

Q. Can you sue someone for not giving you a refund?

You can sue someone for not giving back your money, otherwise just steal it back and let them worry about the legal implications. Possession is 9/10 of the law, meaning it’s up to the people WITHOUT possession to prove they own it, and people WITH possession have nothing to prove.

Q. Can a store say no refunds?

Most retail stores allow you to return things you buy within a reasonable time for a full refund, credit, or an exchange. When a store clearly displays a limited or no-refund policy, however, refunds and exchanges are not required by law.

Q. Can I insist on a replacement for faulty goods?

Under the Consumer Rights Act, your consumer rights may allow you to get faulty goods repaired or replaced for free up to six years after purchase, although the longer you have had the goods the progressively more difficult it will be to show the defect arose as a result of the state of the goods at time of purchase.

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