Do two hydrogen electrons become protons during fusion?

Do two hydrogen electrons become protons during fusion?

HomeArticles, FAQDo two hydrogen electrons become protons during fusion?

Two hydrogen electrons become protons during fusion. Helium nuclei can fuse to form elements such as nitrogen. The fusion reaction lasts for several hundred years. Large nuclei break apart to form smaller nuclei.

Q. Which condition in a nebula would prevent nuclear fusion?

Answer Expert Verified. A decrease in the overall volume of gases namely hydrogen would prevent nuclear fusion in a nebula.

Q. What prevents nuclear fusion?

The only way to stop the repulsion is to make the nuclei hit each other at very high speeds. They only do that at high pressure and temperature. The only successful approach so far has been in nuclear weapons. The hydrogen bomb uses an atomic (fission) bomb to start fusion reactions.

Q. What star can no longer support nuclear fusion because it has exhausted its supply of hydrogen?


Q. What happens to stars when they run out of hydrogen?

Eventually the core of the star runs out of hydrogen. When that happens, the star can no longer hold up against gravity. Its inner layers start to collapse, which squishes the core, increasing the pressure and temperature in the core of the star.

Q. What will happen when our sun runs out of hydrogen?

When our Sun runs out of hydrogen fuel in the core, it will contract and heat up to a sufficient degree that helium fusion can begin. It will end composed of carbon and oxygen, with the lighter (outer) hydrogen and helium layers blown off. This occurs for all stars between about 40% and 800% the Sun’s mass.

Q. What happens at the core of the star when it runs out of hydrogen to fuse?

Once a star has exhausted its supply of hydrogen in its core, leaving nothing but helium, the outward force created by fusion starts to decrease and the star can no longer maintain equilibrium. The force of gravity becomes greater than the force from internal pressure and the star begins to collapse.

Q. What triggers nuclear fusion in stars?

Fusion: The energy source of stars. The energy released from the collapse of the gas into a protostar causes the center of the protostar to become extremely hot. When the core is hot enough, nuclear fusion commences. The fusion reaction is a very efficient process, releasing a huge amount of energy.

Q. Do high mass stars die faster?

A star’s life expectancy depends on its mass. Generally, the more massive the star, the faster it burns up its fuel supply, and the shorter its life. The most massive stars can burn out and explode in a supernova after only a few million years of fusion.

Q. Can we see GN z11?

We see GN-z11 as it looked 13.4 billion years ago, meaning it was one of the first galaxies to form after the big bang. However, it is actually located about 32 billion light years from Earth owing to the universe’s expansion.

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Do two hydrogen electrons become protons during fusion?.
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