Can nuclear fusion be controlled?

Can nuclear fusion be controlled?

HomeArticles, FAQCan nuclear fusion be controlled?

A fusion reactor will be self-sustained by internal heating from alpha particles that are produced in the deuterium-tritium reaction. However, it will require some external heating and current-drive systems for start-up and plasma control.

Q. Which are the products of nuclear fission chain reaction?

The Chain Reaction The nucleus splits into two or more lighter nuclei, releasing kinetic energy, gamma radiation, and free neutrons. A portion of these neutrons may later be absorbed by other fissile atoms and trigger further fission events, which release more neutrons, and so on.

Q. What are the applications of nuclear fission chain reaction?

One of the best examples of Chain reactions is within nuclear power plants. As a fact, nuclear power provides 17 percent of the world’s electricity. There are many types of reactors, which all use realatively the same materials, and components to complete a nuclear fission chain reaction.

Q. What is the significance of multiplication factor in a nuclear chain reaction?

The condition for a chain reaction is usually expressed in terms of a multiplication factor, k, which is defined as the ratio of the number of fissions produced in one step (or neutron generation) in the chain to the number of fissions in the preceding generation.

Q. How can a nuclear reaction become a chain reaction?

A reaction that initiates its own repetition. In a fission chain reaction, a fissionablenucleus absorbs a neutron and fissions spontaneously, releasing additional neutrons. These, in turn, can be absorbed by other fissionable nuclei, releasing still more neutrons.

Q. What is the most coldest thing on earth?

The protoplanetary Boomerang Nebula, located 5,000 light-years from Earth, holds the record for coldest known object in the Universe. Outflows of gas, streaming out from the central dying star, reach temperatures below -270 degrees Celsius.

Q. What is the coldest state in the US?


Q. What is the lowest temperature a human can survive?

The average body temperature is 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. At an internal temperature of 95 degrees, humans can experience hypothermia, shivering and pale skin. At 86 degrees, they become unconscious and, at 77 degrees, cardiac arrest can occur. Most people cannot survive if their core temperature drops to 75 degrees.

Q. Where is the coolest place on earth?

East Antarctic Plateau

Q. What is the most beautiful scenery in the world?

The Most Beautiful Scenery in the World

  • Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming.
  • Machu Picchu, Peru.
  • Cappadocia, Turkey.
  • Uyuni Salt Flats, Bolivia.
  • Halong Bay, Vietnam.
  • Na Pali Coast, Hawaii.
  • Great Wall of China, China.
  • Okavango Delta, Botswana.

Q. Can you freeze to death in your sleep?

Hypothermia—which affects the brain, nervous system, and other bodily functions—can quickly lead to death, even in your own home, Thomas Waters, an emergency medicine physician at the Cleveland Clinic, warns.

Q. How long can a human survive at 0 degrees?

Hypothermia can happen in minutes Hypothermia can develop in as little as five minutes in temperatures of minus 50 degrees Fahrenheit if you’re not dressed properly and have exposed skin, especially the scalp, hands, fingers, and face, Glatter explained. At 30 below zero, hypothermia can set in in about 10 minutes.

Q. Can you freeze to death in a car?

You can survive a long time in cold vehicle (even at -40°C with no survival kit). You may get really cold, but you will not freeze to death. Another vehicle will be along sooner than you would think.

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Can nuclear fusion be controlled?.
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