Can astrology solve your problem?

Can astrology solve your problem?

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Problems like Career, Employment, Business related, Financial, Relationship Problems etc. All these complexities in anyone’s life can be removed and solved with the help of the Astrologers. They have studied the movements of the Stars and Planets and also Tantra Vidhya.

Q. Can astrology predict relationships?

According to a 2001 study published in Correlation, astrology has a much greater following by women than men. The study found that 72% of women believe astrology is more than just a superstition, and that 90% actively seek out their partner’s zodiac sign to confirm compatibility.

Q. Can astrology tell if your relationship will last?

The answer to the question of whether astrology could tell if a love relationship would last is an absolute yes.

Q. Which planet is responsible for breakup?

Malefic planets, especially Mars, Saturn, Rahu, and Sun, can lead to breakups or divorces. The effects of malefic planets can be quite adverse to your relationship. A planet combination such as Mars with Venus and Saturn can ruin the state of your relationship and can break even a flourishing relationship.

Q. Which house indicates second marriage?

The second is marriage is seen from the 2nd house of Horoscope. 8th house shows Longevity. So 8th house from 7th house i.e. 2nd house will indicate the second marriage in astrology.

Q. Which house is responsible for relationships?

“Unlike the 5th house, where sex, pleasure, and what we desire in another person lives, the 7th house is known as the house of marriage and committed or contractual partnering. It can also show us what we need in our relationships or the patterns we continue to have in our relationships.”

Q. What happens when 7th house is empty?

An empty 7th house is called as suddha jatakam at this south part of indicates less complications in the characterestics of the minimises ill effects as any planet in the 7th house directly aspects. the ascendent. if a benefic is placed in 7th house o.k and even then the aspecting.

Q. Who rules 7th house?

Yours can be in any of the twelve zodiac signs within astrology, and yes, the seventh house can have two zodiac signs on the cusp. This too tells a story about your marital future. The seventh house is ruled by the zodiac sign Libra and carries with it the planetary ruler, Venus.

Q. Which planet is responsible for happy married life?


Q. Does your luck change after marriage?

Some people have slow growth and success in life, however we see that after marriage, they begin to enjoy more growth, success and status in society. Many times, this accelerated change can be due to the fortune brought by the spouse.

Q. Which house is responsible for success in life?

In order to get success in higher education it is necessary that the lords of 4th, 5th, 6th and 9th house are well placed, strong, supportive and benefic. Following few negative yogs can create problems in higher education – Kaal Sarp Dosh, Guru Rahu Dosh, Shrapit Dosh, Grahan Dosh, Vish Yog etc.

Q. At what age Saturn gives success?

Saturn in this house gives very stable career but only after 36 years of age. Saturn in 10th house gives a lot of Struggle early on in their career or professional life. Although, many native starts working from the age of 21 but the growth and success only achieved after long struggle till 35 years of age.

Q. Which planet is responsible for good education?

In Vedic Astrology, Jupiter is considered as karaka of education and knowledge. When Jupiter is posited in Trikona or Kendra with the lord of 5th house, it bestows good results in respect of education.

Q. Does Saturn give fame?

Saturn is the main karka for masses or leading huge masses. A Strong position of Saturn in the 10th house or 9th house with planets like Venus and Rahu can bring in massive fame for the person. Especially, Rahu with Saturn in the 10th house can mean that the person can become a really strong influential politician.

Q. Does Saturn give wealth?

Saturn Makes One Rich – Saturn is said to be a cruel planet But it is this very planet, if benefic in kundali, showers wealth. Saturn gives so much wealth that it is often said- SHANI JAB DETA HAI TO CHAPPAR PHAD KAR DETA HAI. It is during this period that Shani was born as son of Surya and Chaya.

Q. Does Ketu give fame?

KETU is never behind Fame. Only a man who can rejoice in ALONENESS can understand LOVE. Only a man who find his BLISS in ALONENESS can understand LIFE.

Q. Which planet is responsible for good career?

Saturn can be the single most influential planet in respect of the career. Astrologically, this planet is known as the Jeevana Karaka or Karma Karaka, the significator of livelihood and denotes a person’s job, profession, etc.

Q. How do you predict job loss in astrology?

Since 6th house indicates job so during Dasha /Anter Dasha of 5th house/lord[ being 12th from the 6th house] indicates discontinuity of job or loss of the job . Dasha or Anter Dasha of malefic planet and transit of a malefic planet on 6th, 10th, the 11th or 1st house of the horoscope may result in job loss.

Q. How do you know if Ketu is strong in astrology?

Ketu or South Node of Moon stays in each sign for about 1.5 years and usually takes 18 years to complete a zodiac cycle. It always travels in retrograde motion and in general, Ketu is benefic if placed in 1st, 3rd, 6th, 11th, 12th houses from ascendant. Ketu in Pisces can give highest order spiritual knowledge.

Q. In which house Ketu is bad?

When Ketu is placed in the 7th house, it is considered as an inauspicious placement. This unfavorable placement is likely to create many problems including bad health and wealth.

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